
unusual facts about Daphnis

Richard Barnfield

This was a sort of florid romance, in two books of six-line stanzas, in the manner of Lodge and Shakespeare, dealing at large with the complaint of Daphnis for the love of Ganymede.

1587 in poetry

Angel Day, Daphnis and Chloe, prose and poetry; a translation from the French of Jacques Amyot

1588 in poetry

Angel Day, Daphnis and Chloe, prose and poetry, translated from the French of Jacques Amyot

Daphnis et Chloé

Trumpeter Harry James, in his 1942 arrangement of Eric Coates's By the Sleepy Lagoon, made use of the "Lever du jour" music from Daphnis et Chloé for its opening.

American figure skater Sarah Hughes won an Olympic gold medal skating to selections from Daphnis et Chloé at the XIX Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City in 2002.

Henry Cuffe

Cuffe assisted Columbanus in his edition (p. 2, Florence, 1598) of Longus's Pastoral of Daphnis and Chloe, and contributed six Greek elegiacs to William Camden's Britannia.

Mlle Guerin

She composed an opera at age 16, titled Daphnis et Amalthée which was performed in Amiens in 1755.

Pierre Jélyotte

He often appeared at Court in Fontainebleau, where he sang Daphnis in Daphnis et Alcinadure by Jean-Joseph de Mondonville, and Colin in Le devin du village by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

see also