
2 unusual facts about Dark Visions

Dark Visions

In September of 2013 Avatar Press began publishing a four-issue Skin Trade comic book series, written by Daniel Abraham and George Martin, with illustrated color covers and interiors by Mike Wolfer; it was completed in December of that year, and a graphic novel collected hardcover volume will follow.

Ryan Colucci

Along with Mike the Pike Productions, he is also attached to produce George R.R. Martin's The Skin Trade, the World Fantasy Award-Winning horror novella from the Dark Visions compilation book.

see also

The Good, the Sad and the Drugly

When she discovers online reports about soap for drinks instead of water, a world war over a tiny drop of oil, a parking lot yet to be filled forever and the last polar bear committing suicide by hanging himself, she is filled with anxiety and depression and terrifies her classmates with her dark visions of the oceans rising from global warming, turning humanity and the lowlands into a desert and darkness falling upon Nineveh.