The Darwin Initiative was announced by the UK Government in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
The results of the study inform a longer term project to test novel and practical conservation strategies following mining operations beginning in November 2006 with support from the Darwin Initiative.
In 2006 the UK's Darwin Initiative funded a three-year collaborative project led by the Natural History Museum, London, INBio (Costa Rica) and ANAM (Panama).
In spring 2007 the Department of Environment of the Cayman Islands in cooperation with the Darwin Initiative, placed wanted posters on the island offering a reward of 1000 CI$ for any living examples of Cayman Sage.
Charles Darwin | Darwin | Avengers: The Initiative | Initiative | Erasmus Darwin | Charles Darwin University | Strategic Defense Initiative | Darwin, Falkland Islands | Darwin Joston | initiative | Francis Darwin | Central European Initiative | Florence Henrietta Darwin | Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario | Darwin Initiative | Darwin Deez | City of Darwin | Charles Galton Darwin | Bernard Darwin | Ada Initiative | RAAF Base Darwin | Initiative for Catalonia Greens | George Darwin | Emma Darwin | Darwin Rebellion | Darwin Gross | Darwin D. Martin | Darwin Brewery | Charles Darwin Foundation | The SyncML Initiative |