
unusual facts about Daylight saving time


The mechanism that the Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook DST (Daylight saving time) rebasing tool TZMOVE.EXE uses to recalculate and reschedule appointment dates that are affected by DST.

Time in Malaysia

Daylight Saving Time would henceforth be 30 min ahead of the mean time of the 105th meridian (10 min more than the original DST), i.e. UTC+07:30 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

see also

Time in Indiana

On April 29, 2005, with heavy backing from Governor Mitch Daniels' economic development plan, and after years of controversy, the Indiana General Assembly passed a law stating that, effective April 2, 2006, the entire state of Indiana would become the 48th state to observe daylight saving time.

Tz database

Time in Germany, which is represented by Europe/Berlin, is not correct for the year 1945 when the Trizone used different daylight saving time rules than Berlin.