
unusual facts about De La Tierra

De La Tierra

De La Tierra is a Latin American groove metal supergroup formed in late 2012 by Brazilian guitarist Andreas Kisser (of Sepultura), Argentine singer/guitarist and bassist Andrés Giménez (of A.N.I.M.A.L.) and Sr. Flavio (of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs) and Mexican drummer Alex González (of Maná).

see also

Jalpan de Serra

Earth Day (Fiesta de la Tierra) takes place in June, sponsored by the Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda.


Ribera del Jiloca, a Spanish geographical indication for Vino de la Tierra wines located in the wine-producing area of the Jiloca Valley

Ramiro I of Asturias

The historical novel Los clamores de la tierra by the Asturian author Fulgencio Argüelles is set in the era of Ramiro I.