
3 unusual facts about Ramiro I of Asturias

Ramiro I of Asturias

The historical novel Los clamores de la tierra by the Asturian author Fulgencio Argüelles is set in the era of Ramiro I.

Ramiro also may have been the father of Gatón, Count of Astorga and of El Bierzo, since the 14th century Al-Bayan al-Mughrib of Ibn Idhari, states that Gatón was the 'brother' of Ordoño I de Asturias.

Saint James Matamoros

According to the legend, Saint James appeared as a warrior on his white horse with a white banner to help Christian armies of king Ramiro I of Asturias in battle against the Moors.

Voto de Santiago

This was vowed to James before the battle by Ramiro I of Asturias in Calahorra, offering Saint James part of the booty taken from the Moors along with the first fruits and crops from each year's harvest as an ex voto.

see also