
5 unusual facts about Dean DeBlois

Alan Calzatti

Most recently, he shot the critically acclaimed "rockumentary" “Heima - a film by Sigur Rós". In 2010 Alan served as a cinematographer on "Go Quiet", a film with jonsi (Jón Þór Birgisson), the film was directed by Dean DeBlois.

Dean DeBlois

He co-wrote and co-directed the Oscar-nominated animated films Lilo & Stitch for Walt Disney Feature Animation and How to Train Your Dragon for DreamWorks Animation, and directed the Sigur Rós documentary/music film Heima.

Go Quiet

Go Quiet is a music film directed by Dean DeBlois, featuring acoustic renditions of all nine songs from the 2010 album Go by Jón Þór (Jónsi) Birgisson.

How to Train Your Dragon

The film proved to be a resounding critical and box office success, and became a major media franchise for DreamWorks Animation including upcoming a 2014 feature film sequel How to Train Your Dragon 2, with Dean DeBlois directing it.

DreamWorks Animation released on 26 March 2010 a computer-animated film adaptation How to Train Your Dragon, directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, the directors of Lilo & Stitch.

see also