
3 unusual facts about Decretum


The Decretum Gratiani is a collection of Canon law compiled in the twelfth century by a jurist named Gratian.

The Decretum of Burchard of Worms, a collection of Canon law compiled the early eleventh century.

Decretum de Judaeis is the name given to the series of draft documents of the Second Vatican Council which led to ground-breaking progress in the Church's relations with Jews.

Cumméne Fota

It consists of five manuscript folios, contains quotes from the Vulgate and Vetus Latina Bible; patristic commentary by Augustine, Jerome, Cyprian, Origen, Ambrosiaster and Gregory the Great; extracts from Canon law, ecclesiastical history and synodal decrees from Nicea and Arles in their original, uncontaminated forms, in addition to a decretum that enjoined on the Irish that, if all else failed, they should take their problems to Rome.

Decretum Gratiani

Less well-known was the commentary of Simon of Bisignano, which consisted of the Glosses on the Decretum and the Summa Simonis.

Johannes Teutonicus

Johannes Teutonicus Zemeke (d. 1245) - glossator on the Decretum Gratiani, see Glossa Ordinaria

see also