The film, set in World War II, depicts the story of the real-life Japanese battleship, the Yamato, which is confronted in the Pacific Ocean by giant monsters, including the most fearsome of them all, Reigo.
In September 1942, Captain Yamagami (Susumu Kurobe) is ordered to rendezvous the Yamato with the Combined Fleet that is gathering at the Truk Islands (aka Chuuk Islands) in Micronesia, a key strategic point in the South Pacific.
Black Sea | Mediterranean Sea | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Deep Purple | Baltic Sea | North Sea | Red Sea | Caspian Sea | Caribbean Sea | Adriatic Sea | Aegean Sea | South China Sea | Loch Ness Monster | Sea of Japan | Irish Sea | Westland Sea King | Frankenstein's monster | Dead Sea | Arabian Sea | Tyrrhenian Sea | Southend-on-Sea | East China Sea | Monster Magnet | Ionian Sea | Deep Throat | Bering Sea | White Sea | Kara Sea | First Sea Lord | Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles |