
3 unusual facts about Tyrrhenian Sea

Italian Navy

Within NATO, the Marina Militare was assigned the control of the Adriatic Sea and Strait of Otranto, as well as the defence of the naval routes through the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Residenza Il Castello

Il Castello (Italian term of castle) of Bardine di San Terenzo is located in the Bardine's Valley, in the city of Fivizzano, between the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the Apuan Alps, not far from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Solatopupa juliana

This species is present in the Italian mainland, with a peri-Tyrrhenian distribution, meaning around the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Claude Joseph Vernet

The sight of the sea at Marseilles and his voyage thence to Civitavecchia (Papal States' main port on the Tyrrhenian Sea) made a deep impression on him, and immediately after his arrival he entered the studio of a marine painter, Bernardino Fergioni.

Giuseppe Morabito

Morabito put together a joint venture of 'Ndrangheta clans, among which the Barbaro family from Platì, the Pelle family from San Luca, but also the Pisano-Pesce-Bellocco clan from Rosarno, on the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria.

Isthmus of Catanzaro

The Isthmus of Catanzaro (or Isthmus of Marcellinara, also called Saddle of Catanzaro or Saddle of Marcellinara due to its morphology) is the narrow strip of land separating the Ionian Sea from the Tyrrhenian Sea, and is also the narrowest part of the Italian Peninsula.

Kemal Reis

In July 1501 Kemal Reis, accompanied by his nephew Piri Reis, set sail from the port of Modon with a force of 3 galleys and 16 fustas and went to the Tyrrhenian Sea, where he took advantage of the war between Jacopo d'Appiano, ruler of Piombino, and the Papal forces under the command of Cesare Borgia.

Pian d'Alma

Pian d'Alma is about 38 km from Grosseto, 17 km from Castiglione della Pescaia and 14 km from Scarlino, and it is situated in a plain, called padule Pian d'Alma, at the bottom of the hill of Poggio Ballone, near to the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Southern Italy

On the Adriatic, south of the "spur" of the boot, the peninsula of Monte Gargano; on the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Gulf of Salerno, the Gulf of Naples, the Gulf of Policastro and the Gulf of Gaeta are each named after a large coastal city.

Stoloteuthis leucoptera

In the Mediterranean Sea, it is specifically found in the northern and southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Ligurian Sea, and off Gorgona Island.

Valdarno chicken

It was in the past extensively raised in the lower part of the valley between Florence and the Tyrrhenian Sea and in the plains surrounding Pisa, in the areas of comuni such as Cerreto Guidi, Pontedera, Empoli, Poggibonsi and San Miniato.


It rises in the Abruzzese central Apennines of Samnium near Castel San Vincenzo (province of Isernia, Molise) and flows southeast as far as its junction with the Calore River near Caiazzo and runs south as far as Venafro, and then turns southwest, past Capua, to enter the Tyrrhenian Sea in Castel Volturno, northwest of Naples.

see also