
unusual facts about Deepwater

Bareskin dogfish

The bareskin dogfish, Centroscyllium kamoharai, is a little-known, deepwater dogfish shark of the family Dalatiidae, so far found only in the western Pacific in Suruga Bay, Honshū, Japan.

Beaker Street

One such performance was a melancholy rendition of a Tom Paxton song, Cindy's Cryin, performed by the Little Rock band Deepwater Reunion with vocalist Barbara Raney.

Broadnose catshark

The broadnose catshark, Apristurus investigatoris, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae the holotype and only specimen being found in deepwater in the Andaman Sea in the Indian Ocean between latitudes 16° N and 10° N.

Deepwater catshark

The deepwater catshark, Apristurus profundorum, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the western Atlantic from Delaware Bay and Suriname, and from the eastern Atlantic from Morocco and northwest Africa.

Deepwater stingray

Records of the deepwater stingray come from a number of locations scattered widely in the Indo-Pacific: KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and Mozambique, the Gulf of Mannar, the northern Andaman Islands, the South China Sea, the Ryukyu Islands and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge, northwestern Australia from the Rowley Shoals to Shark Bay, northeastern Australia from Townsville to Wooli, New Caledonia, and Hawaii.

Geography of Guam

: Commercial fishing (mostly servicing and unloading of longline fleets and commercial vessels), recreational fishing of Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin (Makaira mazara), Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), and deepwater reef fish, tourism (especially from Japan but increasingly from China and South Korea).

Hornbeck Offshore Services LLC v. Salazar

In May 2010 the U.S. Department of the Interior issued a moratorium on all deepwater drilling in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, pending a six-month review by a White House appointed panel.

Jeremy Asher

He is also a director of Better Place, a venture-backed private firm providing infrastructure and services for the mass deployment of electric vehicles, and of Pacific Drilling SA, a company on the New York Stock Exchange that owns and operates ultra-deepwater drillships.

Labrador, Queensland

This did not prevent the investment and building of the Grand Hotel in 1886 at Deepwater point, overlooking the ocean.

Matthew F. Jones

His 1999 novel Deepwater was adapted for a 2006 film of the same title, starring Lucas Black and Peter Coyote.

Matthew Simmons

Previously, on May 26 2010, Matthew Simmons was a guest on 'The Dylan Ratigan Show' on MSNBC, where he explained his reasons for believing that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill involved not only the leak being monitored by BP's video-camera-equipped ROVs remotely operated vehicles, but another, much bigger leak, several miles away.

Mozambique Ports and Railways

In August 2010, Mozambique and Botswana signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a 1,100 km railway through Zimbabwe, to carry coal from Serule in Botswana to a deepwater port at Techobanine Point in Mozambique.

Nicaragua Canal

In 2010, Nicaragua signed a contract with two Korean developers, Dongmyeong Engineering & Architecture Consultants (DMEC) and Ox Investment, to construct a deepwater port and facilities at Monkey Point on the Atlantic coast to improve capacity there.


Osprioneides probably occurred only in large hard substrates of relatively deepwater muddy bottom open shelf environments.

Pocket shark

The pocket shark is a very poorly known deepwater shark recorded from the Nazca Submarine Ridge off northern Chile.


The name Pyropelta is from the Greek; it means "fire limpet" because these small deepwater limpets live near hot hydrothermal vents and similar habitat.

Rougheye rockfish

Rougheye rockfish are deepwater fish, and exist between 31° and 66° latitude, in the North Pacific, and specifically along the coast of Japan to the Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea, to the Aleutian Islands, all the way south to San Diego, California.

San Remo, Victoria

Around 1840 a deepwater port was established at Griffiths Point in order to provide exports of wattle bark, farm produce and cattle, and then later coal starting in the 1870s.

Shallow water drilling

Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the U.S Department of the Interior imposed a moratorium on all offshore drilling, both deepwater and shallow water.

Sittwe Port

The project includes the construction of a deepwater port at the mouth of the Kaladan River in Sittwe, the dredging of the river to enable cargo vessels to navigate the river from Sittwe to Mizoram in India, the construction of a river port at Paletwa in Myanmar's Chin State and the upgrade of highways from Paletwa to Myeikwa on the Indo-Myanmar border.

Tasman Outflow

The deepwater current passes at an average depth of 800–1,000 metres from the Pacific Ocean outside Tasmania's southern shores into the Southern Ocean that encircles Antarctica, the vast 'flywheel' that stabilizes global distribution of heat.

Yu-3 torpedo

By 1969, the 750 metre deep deepwater torpedo testing range was established with the help of over 80 enterprises and named as 750 Testing Range (750试验场) in Kunming, after the greatest simulated depth of the range, and a total of 4 sample torpedoes were produced.

see also