
unusual facts about Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons

Previously, on May 26 2010, Matthew Simmons was a guest on 'The Dylan Ratigan Show' on MSNBC, where he explained his reasons for believing that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill involved not only the leak being monitored by BP's video-camera-equipped ROVs remotely operated vehicles, but another, much bigger leak, several miles away.

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

The film is a reflection of the peak oil scenario argued by oil industry experts and political activists, including Matthew Simmons and James Howard Kunstler.

see also

Publishing Genius

The press, run by Adam Robinson, has published novels, short stories and poetry since 2006, including work by Stephanie Barber, Rachel B. Glaser, Michael Kimball, Mairéad Byrne, Justin Sirois, Mike Young, Melissa Broder, Matthew Simmons, Joseph Young, Shane Jones, Matthew Savoca, and more.