
unusual facts about Defence minister

Aden Hashi Farah

According to intelligence provided to Somalia's Deputy Defence Minister, Salad Ali Jelle, Aden Hashi Ayro was named by Al Qaeda as its leader in the wartorn nation.

Angoor Ada raid

"We have told them that we will take action and we have already taken action today. We have stopped the supply of oil and this will tell how serious we are," said Pakistani Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar.

Canadian Air-Sea Transportable Brigade Group

These comments eventually prompted the Defence Minister, Jean-Jacques Blais, to formally request that CAST be operationally deployed in its entirety under wartime conditions.

Gerardo Clemente Vega

Gerardo Clemente R. Vega García (b. March 28, 1940 in Puebla, Puebla) is a Mexican General who served from 2000 to 2006 as Minister of Defense.


Just after entering service O 14 received a visit from Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Defence Minister on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service.

Milan Ćalasan

Ćalasan was reportedly involved in the negotiations between the two parties since the fall of 2004 at which time Serbia and Montenegro was represented by its defence minister Prvoslav Davinić and its president Svetozar Marović.

SNCASO Trident

The project was cancelled in July 1957; the decision was influenced by the manned fighter cuts announced by the British Defence Minister, Duncan Sandys.

see also

2002 Mombasa attacks

On 20 December 2006, Salad Ali Jelle, Defence Minister of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, said that one of Washington's suspects, Abu Taha al-Sudan, was an Islamic Courts Union leader fighting against the Transitional Federal Government in the 2006 Battle of Baidoa.

2006 Slovak Air Force Antonov An-24 crash

Among those attending was Slovak Defence Minister František Kašický, Slovak Army Chief of Staff Ľubomír Bulík, Hungarian Defence State Secretary József Bali, and Hungarian Deputy Army Chief of Staff János Mikita.


The decision to annul the 2010 deal, being probed by CBI for irregularities, came after a meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Defence Minister AK Antony in New Delhi.

Aleksandr Golovko

From June 2011 to December 2012 he was the commander of Plesetsk Cosmodrome and was then appointed as head of the Aerospace Defence Forces, replacing Oleg Ostapenko, who had been promoted to Deputy Defence Minister.

Armenia–Azerbaijan relations

In October 2013, Zakir Hasanov was appointed as Azerbaijani Defence Minister despite controversy.

Ba'athist Iraq

In 1977, following a wave of protests by Shi'ites against the government, al-Bakr relinquished his control over the Ministry of Defence; Adnan Khairallah Tulfah, Hussein's brother-in-law, was appointed defence minister.

Battle of the Barracks

The agreement was confirmed the next day in Geneva when the Geneva Accord was signed by Tuđman, Milošević and the Yugoslav defence minister, JNA General Veljko Kadijević.

Besat-class submarine

On 25 August 2008, Iranian defence minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar announced Iran had started building the first ship of the class: Qaaem.

Black Reichswehr

The Reichswehr military organization, as it was reorganized under General Hans von Seeckt and Defence Minister Otto Gessler, evaded these prohibitions through a variety of measures.

Branko Mamula

Before he became the Defence Minister he held the rank of Admiral as Chief of the General Staff of Yugoslav People's Army from 1979–1982.

Cangjie input method

Invented in 1976 by Chu Bong-Foo, the method is named after Cangjie (Tsang-chieh), the mythological inventor of the Chinese writing system; the name was suggested by Chiang Wei-kuo, then Defence Minister of Taiwan.

Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters

# "Franz Josef Strauss, Defence Minister, reviews the Luftwaffe in 1958" – 1:40

Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence

In late March 2008 media reported unofficiallythat during the visit to TsAMO of Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov, it was decided to close TsAMO and transfer of territory for building an archive.

Chi Haotian

On 19 October 1999, after meeting with Syrian Defence Minister Mustafa Tlass in Damascus, Syria,to discuss expanding military ties between China and Syria, Chi then flew directly to Israel and met with Ehud Barak, the then prime minister and Defence Minister of Israel where they discussed military relations.

Chola incident

On 10 October, once again both sides had the conflict, the Defence Minister of India, Sardar Swaran Singh addressed that government is looking after the developments across the borders.

Coco Islands

In 2003, Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes told the BBC that Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had ‘donated’ the Coco Islands to Burma in the 1950s, and thus surrendered a vital strategic asset.

Denel Rooivalk

During November 2007, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota announced in Parliament, that the SAAF was to invest R962 million (about US$137 million in 2007 exchange rates) in the helicopter over three years to 2010/2011, in order to bring it up to full operational status.

Dragoljub Ojdanić

In February 2000 after the death of defence minister Pavle Bulatović, he was made Defence minister of Yugoslavia and promoted to General of the Army.

HAL Dhruv

In October 2008, Defence Minister A. K. Antony announced that the Indian Navy will deploy the Dhruv in the utility role.

House of Na Champassak

Prince Sisouk na Champassak -Former Finance and Defence Minister, Secretary General of the Royal Government of Laos.

IB affair

Its director Birger Elmér was reporting directly to select key persons at cabinet level, most likely defence minister Sven Andersson and Prime Minister Olof Palme.

Jacob Kovco

Chief of Defence Force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, Chief of Army Lieutenant General Peter Leahy, then Defence Minister Brendan Nelson and Australian Attorney-General Philip Ruddock.

A funeral service for the dead soldier was held on Tuesday, 2 May in the town hall of his home town of Briagolong, and was attended by several hundred mourners including the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, a large 3RAR presence led by its Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Mick Mumford, and a significant media contingent.

Kim Kyok-sik

He received command of the 2nd Army Corps in October 1994 and held it until April 2007, when he was appointed Chief of the General Staff replacing Kim Yong-chun, who had been appointed defence minister.

Kosmos 2470

On 24 February 2011, Deputy Defence Minister Vladimir Popovkin announced that the satellite would be unable to fulfil its mission and thus would not be used by Russian defence forces.

Mikhail Mokretsov

Mikhail Mokretsov is famous for his strict policy against tax legislation offenders & is considered to be one of the closest allies of the Defence Minister of the Russian Federation Anatoliy Serdyukov and Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Zubkov.

Milton Obote

Before they arrived, however, Obote sent his defence minister Felix Onama to negotiate with the mutineers.

No. 14 Squadron RNZAF

Defence minister Wayne Mapp has expressed a desire for the Aermacchi fleet to return to service, but Prime Minister John Key says it is extremely unlikely that any jet training will be restored.

October 22nd Scud missile attack

On October 20 the Defence Minister of Israel Moshe Dayan and the Chief of Staff David Elazar considered conquering Port Said and Port Fuad.


Dragoljub Ojdanić General of the Yugoslavia Army and Defence minister of Yugoslavia February 2000–October 2000

Ryan by-election, 2001

Comparisons were drawn with the 1975 by-election in the Tasmanian electorate of Bass: both had resulted from the resignation of a Defence Minister (Former Labor Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard in 1975), and Labor's landslide loss in Bass was linked to the defeat of the Whitlam government several months later.

San Yu

Though the BSPP Congress rejected the resignations or requests for permission to retire of U Aye Ko, General Secretary and Vice President of the State, U Sein Lwin, Joint General Secretary of BSPP and Secretary of the Council of State, U Tun Tin, BSPP Central Executive Committee member and Deputy Prime Minister, U Kyaw Htin, BSPP Central Executive Committee Member and Defence Minister, the congress accepted the resignations of Ne Win and San Yu from Party and State positions.

Santiago Carrillo

His own courageous personal behaviour during the failed coup d'état was remarkable − he was, together with outgoing prime minister Suárez and defence minister Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, one of the three MPs not to obey the rebels' orders to lie down, choosing to sit and have a cigarette (as shown in the surviving TV footage of that day).

Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone

On July 10, 2012 when discussing Sikorsky missing another delivery deadline in June 2012 Defence Minister Peter MacKay called the Cyclone purchase "the worst procurement in the history of Canada".

Somali presidential election, 2012

Defence Minister Hussein Arab Isse attributed the delay to a more thorough vetting process in order to avoid allegations of corruption and nepotism in order to avoid the scandals that dogged the TFG.

Tiger-class cruiser

With the running down of the UK's carrier fleet, from the political angle it was viewed as unwise by Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Defence Minister Denis Healey to scrap the officially new and expensive Tiger-class cruisers and it was believed they might add to antisubmarine capabilities and free space on the remaining carriers helicopters, and therefore in 1965, work began on Blake for her to be converted into a helicopter cruiser while Tiger began her conversion in 1968.

Tomislav Karamarko

On recommendation of Vukojević, who was at the time the assistant to Interior Minister and Josip Perković, assistant Defence Minister, on 17 June 1991, Karamarko was named chief of cabinet of Prime Minister Josip Manolić.

UM Airlines Flight 4230

Spanish defence minister Federico Trillo stated "the meteorological conditions and dense fog caused the drama".

United Aircraft Corporation

The former Russian defence minister, now Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov had been appointed as chairman of the board of the directors of the company and Alexei Fyodorov was selected as president and chairman of the management board of the corporation.

Valery Gerasimov

Other changes were the dismissal of Alexander Sukhorukov from the position of First Deputy Defence Minister and his replacement by Colonel General Arkady Bakhin, formerly commander of the Western Military District.

VBTP-MR Guarani

On the 26 November 2009, the Brazilian Defence Minister, Nelson Jobim, announced that President Lula had authorized the start of production for 2044 new vehicles with the new name Guarani, formerly known as Urutu III.

Vikrant-class aircraft carrier

In 1999, then Defence Minister George Fernandes revived the project and sanctioned the construction of the Project 71 ADS.

Walther von Lüttwitz

On 29 February 1920, Defence Minister Noske ordered the disbandment of two of the most powerful Freikorps, the Marinebrigade Loewenfeld and the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt.