Within a system of royal patronage and nepotism, five of the captaincies were given to two cousins of finance minister António de Ataíde: Martim Afonso de Sousa and his brother Pero Lopes.
His involvement in the 1807 general election in Huntingdonshire and an 1809 pamphlet criticising what he saw as the nepotism of prime minister William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland saw to it that he found no favour with the Tory establishment who were to hold power until 1830.
He had no interest in nepotism or cronyism, rejecting, for example, a military promotion during the war for his deserving cousin William Washington lest it be regarded as favoritism.
Like Jean Sarkozy, criticism has been levied over the perceived nepotism which led to his appointment at the age of 27 as the head of the electoral list for the Open VLD party in the 2007 federal elections for the province of East Flanders despite his lack of any relevant work experience.
General Peter Gadet, who joined the SPLA after Juba Declaration, said that he was marginalized and that the army was dominated by tribal nepotism.
Fellow Maltese writer and critic Mario Azzopardi (born in 1944 in Ħamrun Malta) describes Schembri as 'a pioneer in his generation that has assaulted his nation that is lubricated on hypocrisy, nepotism and corruption.
This cozy deal led to accusations of nepotism and cronyism, as the project was the brainchild of Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra, son of the then President Suharto.
Liu accused Kuo Yao-chi, then the Minister of Transportation and Communications of appointing Wu Cheng-chih, a friend who was recommended by her husband, to the secretary-general position of the China Aviation Development Foundation as a form of nepotism; Liu said that Weng did not have the proper aviation background.
He joined the SPLA after the Juba Declaration of 8 January 2006, but said that he was marginalized and that the army was dominated by tribal nepotism.
The Pope's venality and nepotism made him very unpopular with the citizens of Rome, but to his credit, he was a patron and protector of the reforming monks of Cluny.
Defence Minister Hussein Arab Isse attributed the delay to a more thorough vetting process in order to avoid allegations of corruption and nepotism in order to avoid the scandals that dogged the TFG.
In an archive interview with the television personality Frank Bough included in the 2001 ITV documentary The Unforgettable Tommy Cooper, Henty explained that he did not want people in the acting profession to know that he was Cooper's son, presumably because he was fearful of claims of nepotism.