During his education in high school, Karamarko played a guitar and performed in Students' Home, where other popular bands also held concerts, among which Azra, Film, Idoli and others.
On recommendation of Vukojević, who was at the time the assistant to Interior Minister and Josip Perković, assistant Defence Minister, on 17 June 1991, Karamarko was named chief of cabinet of Prime Minister Josip Manolić.
Tomislav Sunic | Tomislav Nikolić | Tomislav Volek | Tomislav Mikulić | Tomislav Karamarko | Tomislav Karadžić | Tomislav Ivković |
Besides the incumbent party leader and former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, four other candidates were running: Milan Kujundžić, former Minister of Health Darko Milinović, former Minister of the Interior Tomislav Karamarko and former Deputy Prime Minister Domagoj Ivan Milošević.