
2 unusual facts about Defense Science Board

Defense Science Board

The Defense Science Board (or DSB) is a committee of civilian experts appointed to advise the U.S. Department of Defense on scientific and technical matters.

Patrick Lincoln

He is a member of DARPA Innovative Space-based Radar Antenna Technology program, dedicated short-range communications, and was a member of the Defense Science Board task force on Science and Technology and of the Defense Science Board task force on Defensive Information Operations.

Clark Blanchard Millikan

He also served as a member of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Naval Research Advisory Committee, Defense Science Board, and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Army Ballistic Research Laboratory.

Eugene G. Fubini Award

The Eugene G. Fubini Award is an award by the Defense Science Board, named after Eugene G. Fubini, on an annual basis to recognize an individual from the private sector who has made highly significant contributions to the Department of Defense in an advisory capacity over a sustained period of time.

Recognized advisory bodies include the Army Science Board, Naval Research Advisory Committee, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Defense Science Board, Defense Policy Board, Defense Business Board, Defense Intelligence Agency Advisory Board, Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, and the Intelligence Science Board.

Kenneth E. BeLieu

In the second half of the 1960s, he would serve as the President of the Leisure World in Laguna Beach, California (which is today Laguna Woods Village); as a member of the Defense Science Board; as a Member of the Board of Advisors of Ryan Aeronautical; and as a member of the Technical Advisory Board of RCA.

see also

William Schneider

William Schneider, Jr. (born 1941), chairman of the Defense Science Board