
3 unusual facts about Deford

Cass City, Michigan

Cass City is surrounded by several communities including Colwood, Deford, Elmwood and Ellington.


DeFord Bailey (1899–1982), early country music star and the first African American performer on the Grand Ole Opry

Frank Deford (born 1938), American sportswriter and commentator

Everybody's All-American

Then, after the movie was released, simply because the film had been relocated to Louisiana, there were rumors that Deford had based Gavin Grey on LSU's All-American running back, Billy Cannon.

Miriam Allen deFord

DeFord is mentioned in Fort's book Lo! Shortly before her death in 1975, Fortean writer Loren Coleman visited Ms. deFord frequently and interviewed her about her earlier interactions with Fort and her trips to Chico, California, to investigate the case of a poltergeist rock-thrower on Fort's behalf.

DeFord died February 22, 1975, at her longtime home, the Ambassador Hotel at 55 Mason Street in San Francisco.

DeFord was also a passionate Fortean, a follower of Charles Fort, and did fieldwork for him.

The National Sports Daily

Deford immediately set out to get what was referred to by ESPN's Bill Simmons as a "murderer's row" of sportswriters to join The National.

see also