
unusual facts about Degrees of freedom

Kugel–Khomskii coupling

Kugel–Khomskii coupling describes a coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom in a solid; it is named after the Russian physicists Kliment I. Kugel (Климент Ильич Кугель) and Daniel I. Khomskii (Daniil I. Khomskii, Даниил И. Хомский).

Roderich Moessner

Roderich Moessner is a condensed matter physicist working on the physics of strong fluctuations in many-body systems due to frustration, competing degrees of freedom or quantum fluctuations.

see also

Brown–Forsythe test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Ehrenfest paradox

1910: Gustav Herglotz and Fritz Noether independently elaborated on Born's model and showed (Herglotz-Noether theorem) that Born rigidity only allows of three degrees of freedom for bodies in motion.

Goldfeld–Quandt test

Increasing the number of observations dropped in the "middle" of the ordering will increase the power of the test but reduce the degrees of freedom for the test statistic.

Levene's test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Light cone gauge

The advantage of light-cone gauge is that all ghosts and other unphysical degrees of freedom can be eliminated.

Turbomolecular pump

Hall effect sensors can be used to sense the rotational position and the other degrees of freedom can be measured capacitively.