
unusual facts about freedom of speech


Later rabble contributors look back at the events as defining the role of rabble.ca as a medium for advocacy of human rights, freedom of expression, and peaceful protest.

Cato's Letters

These newspaper essays condemning tyranny and advancing principles of freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, were a main vehicle for spreading the concepts that had been introduced by John Locke.

Censorship in the Federal Republic of Germany

The Federal Republic of Germany guarantees freedom of speech, expression, and opinion to its citizens as per Article 5 of the constitution.

Craig Winn

Daniel Pipes claims that this anti democratic and violent response to Winn's books raises important concerns regarding freedom of speech and the press.

Freedom of speech in the United States

The freedom of speech is not absolute; the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech.

Indecent exposure in the United States

Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 501 U.S. 560 (1991) is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States on freedom of speech and the ability of the government to outlaw certain forms of expressive conduct.

Leonard Law

Republican State Senator Bill Leonard wrote the law to require private high schools, colleges and universities to protect their students' rights to freedom of speech "and other communication" that the government is required to protect for all of its citizens.

Miguel Otero Silva

Taking advantage of the freedom of speech allowed by Gómez's successor in office, Eleazar López Contreras, Otero Silva began writing humorous poetry in newspapers, with a certain political content.

Secular liberalism

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, offering freedom of speech, has been criticized in a 2004 political manifesto by David Fergusson entitled Church, state and civil society.


Telescreens, in addition to being surveillance devices, are also the equivalent of televisions (hence the name), broadcasting propaganda about Oceania's military victories, economic production figures, spirited renditions of the national anthem to heighten patriotism, and Two Minutes Hate, which is a two-minute film of Emmanuel Goldstein's wishes for freedom of speech and press, which the citizens have been trained to disagree with through doublethink.

Yosef Abramowitz

Abramowitz won a U.S. Supreme Court case for free speech.

You Played Yourself

"You Played Yourself" is a 1990 rap single by Ice-T, from his third album The Iceberg/Freedom of Speech...Just Watch What You Say.

see also

Alexander Karasyov

With a command since childhood of foreign languages, to which their forefathers had no access, enjoying freedom of speech, the absence of censorship, the opportunity to travel all over the world – for example, to spend time in Gogol's beloved Rome, where he wrote Dead Souls and to read books that used to be banned, they are creating a new type of literature.

André-Joseph Léonard

In April 2013, Leonard was doused with water from bottles shaped like the Virgin Mary by four topless FEMEN activists while participating in a debate with philosophy professor Guy Haarscher on the subject of blasphemy and freedom of speech at the Université libre de Bruxelles.

Canadian Human Rights Commission free speech controversy

In an exchange during the Marc Lemire case, lead CHRC investigator Dean Steacy was asked "What value do you give freedom of speech when you investigate?"

Darryl Cherney

Cherney and the late Bari's estate were awarded $4.4 million for violations of the First Amendment (freedom of speech) and the Fourth Amendment (the right to be free from unlawful arrest and illegal search and seizure).

European Defence League

On 30 October 2010, members of the Dutch Defence League rallied in Amsterdam, together with some English Defence League members, and protested for freedom of speech and in support of Geert Wilders.

Gerald Fredrick Töben

The case caused some controversy in the United Kingdom, with the Liberal Democrats' home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne expressing concerns that the extradition would amount to an infringement on the freedom of speech.

Irish general election, 1977

Both The Irish Times and The Irish Press, which was then edited by Tim Pat Coogan, were extremely critical of the government's curtailment of freedom of speech and in particular of the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs Conor Cruise O'Brien which was used against the PIRA.

Islamic Supreme Council of America

According to an unidentified blogger of the weblog "Sufi Muslim Council Exposed", in 2005 Kabbani told UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: “We are glad to see changes taking place in the political mechanisms in the Middle East. We hope to see an end to tyranny and we are happy to observe a strong upsurge in freedom of speech, freedom of belief and political openness in the region.”

John Tinker

John Tinker, lead plaintiff in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, a U.S. Supreme Court case on student freedom of speech

Kentlake High School

In February 2000 Chief Judge John Coughenour ordered the school to reinstate a student who had been suspended for creating an unofficial school website at home stating the school did not have the authority to punish students for exercising their freedom of speech outside of school.


Melville Nimmer, American lawyer and expert in freedom of speech and copyright law.


CEO of the newsstand company Narvesen 1957-1975, co-founder of the freedom-of-speech oriented foundation Fritt Ord.

Off-label use

A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Manhattan ruled on December 5, 2012 that a drug sales representative who was criminally prosecuted for making off-label promotional statements about Xyrem had suffered a violation of his First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Queensland Council for Civil Liberties

In 1968, one of the first moves by the Council to support freedom of speech in Queensland, was when council president Jim Kelly supported Brisbane's first Nationalist Socialist Party meeting.

Ritual de lo habitual

Two versions of the disc packaging were created: one album featured cover artwork by singer Perry Farrell, related to the song "Three Days" and including male and female nudity; the other cover has been called the "clean cover", and features only black text on a white background, listing the band name, album name, and the text of the First Amendment (the "freedom of speech" amendment) of the U.S. Constitution.

Shouting Fire

Shouting fire in a crowded theater, a phrase that deals with the topic of freedom of speech

Susan G. Cole

Her 2010 appearance on FOX News in support of students protesting the appearance of Ann Coulter on the University of Ottawa campus has engaged her in the debate on freedom of speech.