
unusual facts about Dennis E. Wisnosky

Dennis E. Fitch

He was best known for his critical actions as an off-duty McDonnell Douglas DC-10 training captain who helped captain Alfred Haynes minimize loss of life on United Airlines Flight 232, when all flight controls were lost, on July 19, 1989.

Dennis E. Nolan

From 1927 to 1931, Nolan was commander of Fifth Corps Area, headquartered at Fort Hayes at Columbus, Ohio, one of and geographically the largest of nine corps areas established in the continental United States for the administration of the regular army and reserves by the National Defense Act of 1920.

Dennis Williams

Dennis E. Williams (born 1959), Delaware state representative from the 10th district


IDEF originally stood for ICAM Definition, initiated in the 1970s at the US Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio by Dennis E. Wisnosky, Dan L. Shunk and others.

see also