A Divided Heart is an Australian film directed by Denny Lawrence, released in 2005, portraying a complex romantic conflict set in wartime Sydney, 1942, involving two sisters and an American army officer.
Bob Ellis said the idea for the film came to Denny Lawrence as he and Ellis were travelling on a train and they wrote the script together.
D. H. Lawrence | Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Lawrence, Kansas | Lawrence | Martin Lawrence | Saint Lawrence River | Lawrence, Massachusetts | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Lawrence Ritter | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | T. E. Lawrence | Steve Lawrence | Lawrence Summers | Sarah Lawrence College | Lawrence Welk | Lawrence Taylor | Gertrude Lawrence | Lawrence v. Texas | The Lawrence Welk Show | Lawrence Weiner | Denny's | Lawrence Kasdan | Jacob Lawrence | Tracy Lawrence | Thomas Lawrence | Lawrence University | Lawrence Hayward | Lawrence of Rome | Lawrence Lessig | Lawrence County |