
unusual facts about Department of Housing and Urban Development

Index of urban sociology articles

habitabilityhighwayHispanic Americanshistoric preservationHome Mortgage Disclosure Acthomelessnesshomeowners' associationHousing Act of 1937Housing Act of 1949Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008HOPE VIhuman ecologyDepartment of Housing and Urban Development(H.U.D.) — hyperghettoization

Mary C. Morgan

At the time of her appointment to the San Francisco County Superior Court, Morgan's partner was Roberta Achtenberg, who served as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton Administration.

Thomas Demery

Thomas T. Demery (born July 18, 1949 in Detroit, Michigan) was Assistant Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the Reagan presidency.

see also