
unusual facts about Dependency

ActiveX Data Objects

No knowledge of SQL is required to access a database when using ADO, although one can use ADO to execute SQL commands directly (with the disadvantage of introducing a dependency upon the type of database used).

Archie's law

The saturation exponent models the dependency on the presence of non-conductive fluid (hydrocarbons) in the pore-space, and is related to the wettability of the rock.

Bernhard van Treeck

Bernhard van Treeck MD (born February 5, 1964, Kempen, Niederrhein) is a German psychiatrist and has led a clinic specialised in addictions and drug-dependency.

Bill Helin

He is a cousin to the author Calvin Helin, whose 2006 book, Dances with Dependency, he illustrated.

Birdie Tebbetts

Despite holding a 3-A draft classification because his mother's dependency, Tebbetts applied for an Army Air Corps commission.

Calvin Helin

He is the author of the 2006 book Dances with Dependency: Indigenous Success through Self-Reliance, which is illustrated by his cousin Bill Helin.

Corre La Licorne

The company began to buy in sub-assemblies from Citroën, as part of a dependency relationship that would be extended in the 1930s.

Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses

The Society's 1985 publication, Life—How Did it Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? is criticized for its dependency on Francis Hitching, who is cited thirteen times.

Dependency theory

Matias Vernengo, a University of Utah economist, identifies two main streams in dependency theory: the Latin American Structuralist, typified by the work of Prebisch, Celso Furtado and Anibal Pinto at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC, or, in Spanish, CEPAL); and the American Marxist, developed by Paul A. Baran, Paul Sweezy, and Andre Gunder Frank.

Dependency theory originates with two papers published in 1949 – one by Hans Singer, one by Raúl Prebisch – in which the authors observe that the terms of trade for underdeveloped countries relative to the developed countries had deteriorated over time: the underdeveloped countries were able to purchase fewer and fewer manufactured goods from the developed countries in exchange for a given quantity of their raw materials exports.


On Babar's conquest of Northern India in 1526 the Hooths submitted to him, and at his death the Derajat became a dependency of his son Kamran Mirza, the ruler of Kabul.

Design structure matrix

The latest version of the Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA 7.0 includes project dependency structure management since v7.0 Milestone 2.


The Northern part around Eupen was originally part of the Duchy of Limburg, a dependency of the Duchy of Brabant, and was latterly owned by the Austrian Habsburgs, as part of the Austrian Netherlands.

Faulx-les-Tombes Castle

The first castle on the site was built in the 13th century and was a dependency of the County of Namur.

Gaspar da Costa

In 1735 a Topass army seriously threatened Kupang, and in 1746-49 the Topasses intervened on the Island of Roti, a Dutch dependency close to Timor.

Great Connell Priory

The priory was founded about 1202 as a dependency of Llanthony Priory in Wales by the illegitimate grandson of the Angevin King Henry II, Meiler fitz Henry, who also founded abbeys in Laois, Clonfert and Killaloe.

High Dependency Unit

High Dependency Unit is a psychedelic rock band originating from Dunedin, New Zealand.

History of Saint Lucia

In 1666 the French West India Company resumed control of the island, which in 1674 was made an official French crown colony as a dependency of Martinique.


When Willibrord Christianized the Netherlands (~700 AD) the church of Vlaardingen had a dependency in Harago/Hargan, currently named Harga.


Isle of Man, a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea

Internet addiction disorder

According to Maressa Orzack, director of the Computer Addiction Study at Harvard University's McLean Hospital, between 5% and 10% of Web surfers suffer some form of Web dependency.

John Fatiaki

In 2006, he was selected by the Council of Rotuma to represent the 2000-odd inhabitants of the Polynesian dependency of Fiji in the Senate of Fiji.

Juan Martínez de Rozas

He was born at Mendoza (then, still a Chilean dependency) in 1759, the son of Juan Martínez de Soto Rozas and María Prudencia Correa Villegas.

Kermac Macmaghan

During this period, these islands formed part of the Kingdom of the Isles, which was a dependency of the far-flung Kingdom of Norway.


In 1545 Duki, a dependency of the Kandahar province, was conferred upon Mir Sayyid Ali by the Mughal Emperor Humayun.

Lycée Franco-Mexicain

It is one of the largest French Lycées in the world with over 3000 students in two campuses, Polanco in northern Mexico City and Coyoacán in the South, there is also another dependency located in the city of Cuernavaca, capital of the state of Morelos, called École Molière de Cuernavaca.

Marya Chéliga-Loevy

Mirecka Szeliga was born into a prosperous family of landowners in Jasieniec Solecki, Poland in 1854, at that time a dependency of Russia.

Medvedev modernisation programme

There had been repeated calls for a more diversified economy under Putin; already in 2005, Putin's Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov warned about the dependency of the economy on raw material exports, and in 2007 Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov said that without diversification, the Russian economy will sooner or later face a collapse.

Norwegian paradox

Fagerberg posits that the "paradox" should be analysed by combining three interrelated aspects of Norwegian economic development: innovation, path-dependency, and policy.

Orsinian Tales

Formerly an independent kingdom (The Lady of Moge), by the 19th century it was a dependency of the Austrian Empire (Malafrena) It was involved in the First World War (Conversations at Night), and was thereafter independent for a while.

Oxenford Farm

Oxenford Farm was formerly an abbey farm, a dependency of Waverley Abbey in the civil parish of Milford, Surrey, England, with several listed buildings around a courtyard, including three by Augustus Pugin.


During World War II, La Grange-Aux-Moines, a dependency of Pimelles, served as one of the headquarters of an element of the Yonne Resistance Movement.

Piploda State

Piploda was a dependency of Jaora state until 1924, when it became a separate state.

Psychiatric rehabilitation

Psychiatric rehabilitation is illustrated by community models (e.g., Fountain House Model, MHA Village in Long Beach, CA), cross-field best practices (e.g., supported work), consumer voices (e.g., Rae Unzicker), multiple disabilities (e.g., chemical dependency), training of community residential, employment, education and support service professionals, rehabilitation outcomes, and management and evaluation of services.

Ross Dependency

Greenpeace maintained its own Antarctic station in the Ross Dependency called World Park Base from 1987 to 1992, which was on Ross Island.

South Korea–United States relations

During the subsequent four decades, South Korea experienced tremendous economic, political and military growth, and significantly reduced U.S. dependency.

The Big Fisherman

The story traces Peter's journey from self-sufficient fisherman to his dependency on a risen Christ.

Tororo Priory

In 1980, Abbot Lambert assigned a Benedictine priest, then residing at Nairobi dependency of Peramiho, to Uganda to minister to the sisters.

Transition radiation

Additional research pointed out that the reason for that dependency was that the radiation emitted in the direction of movement of particle included also X-ray frequencies.

Vincent Dole

Supreme court interpretations of the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act had criminalized opioid dependency as well as the use of any opioid "for the sole purpose of maintenance." Thus began the saddest chapter of America's longest war: the stigmatizing and criminalizing of dependent individuals as well as the physician who prescribe them drugs.

see also