
2 unusual facts about Desiderio da Settignano

Desiderio da Settignano

He came from a family of stone carvers and stonemasons in Settignano, near Florence.

Mino da Fiesole

Mino's work was influenced by his master Desiderio da Settignano and by Antonio Rossellino, and is characterized by its sharp, angular treatment of drapery.

Master of the Marble Madonnas

The name "Master of the Marble Madonnas" was coined by Wilhelm von Bode in 1886, who noted several points of similarity linking these sculptures to the production of well-known Florentine masters such as Mino da Fiesole, Antonio Rossellino, Desiderio da Settignano, and Benedetto da Maiano but which are generally inferior in quality and execution.

see also