
unusual facts about Deuteronomist


The Bible with Sources Revealed

Most notably, Friedman agrees with Wellhausen on the date of the Deuteronomist (the court of Josiah, c. 621 or 622 BC), but places the Priestly source at the court of Hezekiah; his sequence of sources therefore runs JahwistElohistPriestlyDeuteronomist.

Tribe of Judah

The Tribe of Judah, its conquests, and the centrality of its capital in Jerusalem for the worship of the one true God, Yahweh, figure prominently in the Deuteronomistic history, encompassing the books of Deuteronomy through II Kings, which most scholars agree was reduced to written form, although subject to exilic and post-exilic alterations and emendations, during the reign of the Judahist reformer Josiah from 641-609 BCE.

see also