
unusual facts about Dhamma


Anāthapindika immediately realised the dhamma eye, thereby attaining the first stage of nibbana and became a Sotāpanna.

Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera

Under the guidance and direction of Ven Dr Vajiragnana Nayaka Thera, and also Ven Professor Walpola Rahula Nayaka Thera (who was a regular visitor to the London Buddhist Vihara), Ven Seelawimala Thera developed as a Dhammaduta and proficient Dhamma communicator.

Buddhist Cultural Centre

After installing a new printing press the centre started printing new books, both in Sinhala and English; well over 500 books on Buddha Dhamma, Buddhist Literature, history, culture, philosophy, languages such as Pali and Sanskrit by renowned scholars were printed there.

Dhammakaya Movement

The movement has expanded branches to over eighteen countries worldwide and is promoted via a Buddhist satellite network or Dhamma Media Channel (DMC.TV) with 24 hour-a-day Dharma and meditation teachings broadcast to worldwide.

Dhammakaya Tradition

The tradition has expanded branches to over eighteen countries worldwide and is promoted via a Buddhist satellite network or Dhamma Media Channel (DMC.TV) with 24 hour-a-day Dharma and meditation teachings broadcast to worldwide.


Dhammananda is a name that combines Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha, and Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha and "bliss" in Sanskrit.

Luang Pu Waen Suciṇṇo

Luang Por Mun Bhuridatta in Udon Thani who taught him the pursuance of a secluded life and the practice of meditation and Dhamma in the jungles.


A recent strategy, exemplified by Rajiv Malhotra, is the use of the term dhamma as a common denominator, which also includes Jainism and Buddhism.

The Dhamma Brothers

The Dhamma Brothers has been compared with another documentary, Doing Time, Doing Vipassana (released in 1997), which documented a large scale meditation program at Tihar Prisons in India with over a thousand inmates using the same meditation retreat format.


For lay practitioners who live near a monastery, the uposatha is an opportunity for them to visit a local monastery, make offerings, listen to Dhamma talks by monks and participate in meditation sessions.

Wat Bueng Thong Lang

Phichet Tungtoo, Dhamma of Luang Poo Too, (Bangkok : Sinthana Publishing,2549 : Anniversary 80 ํYear old of Phrakrupisalviriyakhun, in Thai) pp.

see also