
6 unusual facts about Dhammapada


Ronald Corp, 2010, a cappella choral setting of Francis Booth's translation, released on Stone Records.

The Word of the Doctrine, tr K. R. Norman, 1997, Pali Text Society, Bristol; the PTS's preferred translation

Gil Fronsdal

The Dhammapada: A New Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations, Boston: Shambhala.

Purana Kassapa

The Dhammapada commentary claims that Purana committed suicide by drowning.


Supporting the first account, in the Dhammapada, the pleasure and joy that a man receives in his wife and children is called a "soft fetter" that ties individuals to life and suffering, not just through eventual loss and separation of loved ones but more deeply and subtly may act as ties to cyclic existence (samsara).

Vladimir Toporov

He translated the Dhammapada into Russian and supervised the ongoing edition of the most complete vocabulary of the Prussian language to date (5 volumes).


Dhammapada |

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