
unusual facts about Dieppe Raid

The South Saskatchewan Regiment

The South Saskatchewan Regiment was a major combatant in the Dieppe Raid of 1942, Operation Atlantic, Operation Spring, Operation Totalize, Operation Tractable, and the recapture of Dieppe in 1944.

Erich Rudorffer

In 1942 Rudorffer participated in Operation Cerberus (Channel Dash) and flew over the Allied landings at Dieppe in August 1942.

Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal

The Second World War: Dieppe, L'Escaut, Bourgebus Ridge, Saint-André-sur-Orne, Verrières Ridge—Tilly-la-Campagne, Falaise, Falaise Road, The Liaison, Forêt de la Londe, Dunkirk 1944, Antwerp-Turnhout Canal, The Scheldt, Woensdrecht, South Beveland, The Rhineland, The Hochwald, Xanten, The Rhine, Groningen, Oldenburg, North-West Europe 1942 '44-45

see also

4th Canadian Infantry Brigade

Rev. John Weir Foote, VC, CD (5 May 1904 – 2 May 1988 ), Regimental Chaplain to The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment) for work with the wounded at the Dieppe Raid.