
3 unusual facts about Raid on the Medway


The story gained in popularity after 1667 when the Dutch fleet broke another chain to win an important naval victory.

Dirk Langendijk

An undated Langendijk painting displays a scene from the Raid on the Medway by admiral Michiel de Ruyter in 1667.


The next year, in 1667, the Dutch under command of De Ruyter executed a retaliatory expedition, and dealt the English navy a heavy blow at the Raid on the Medway (also known as the Battle of Chatham), in effect ending the Second Anglo-Dutch War.


Notably an early use was in 1667, during the Dutch Raid on the Medway and their attempts to do likewise in the Thames during the Second Anglo-Dutch War, when a number of warships and merchant ships commandeered by the Royal Navy were sunk in those rivers to attempt to stop the attacking forces.

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