
5 unusual facts about Dikeou Collection

Dikeou Collection

In September 2006, the exhibition space again doubled to include seven more artists: Janine Gordon, Lawrence Seward, Tracy Nakayama, Chris Gilmour, Lisa Kereszi, Serge Onnen, and Devon Dikeou herself.

Vik Muniz’s “Last Supper” is a triptych photograph of chocolate syrup, which has been manipulated into a drawing of the “Last Supper”, inspired by the Warhol images of the same subject.

Tracy Nakayama’s drawings play with sexual and pornographic stereotypes, and this suite of drawings address these ideas with humor.

The first leg of exhibition space featured the work of 10 artists: Rainer Ganahl, Ester Partegas, Juan Eduardo Gómez Osorio, Giasco Bertoli, Simon Periton, Vik Muniz, Momoyo Torimitsu, Dan Asher, Lee Stoetzel, Paul Ramirez Jonas.

Ester Partegàs’s “Homeless” is a life-size replica of a coach class airplane chair made out of Styrofoam, and accompanied by a series of commercial packages and shopping bags.

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