Although individual myths, like that of Sisyphus who was condemned to eternal punishment in the realms of Hades, did exist, they were largely exceptions to the rule and never developed into a proper system of beliefs about life after death.
He also stated that Goethe tried to marry the two and that his failed experiment was recorded in the second part of Faust, appropriately called "The Quest for Helen", where Faust representing the romantic hero lies in bed with Helen of Troy only to produce a still-born child.
Although the story symbolises the impossibility of a task it was deemed so important that many others, like Greece's national poet Dionysios Solomos, took it upon themselves to complete.
Liantinis believed that Romanticism and Classicism were the only two "valid" world-views that constitute both an artistic style and a way of life.
Dimitris Salpingidis | Dimitris Pikionis | Dimitris Sgouros | Dimitris Grontis | Landsman (right) at a meeting with Greece's Minister for Foreign Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos | Dimitris Poulikakos | Dimitris Papaditsas | Dimitris Mytaras | Dimitris Mitropanos | Dimitris Lyacos | Dimitris Kourbelis | Dimitris Konstantinidis | Dimitris Avramopoulos |