Although the Greeks and Romans typically scorned Egypt's animal-headed gods as bizarre and primitive (Anubis was known to be mockingly called "Barker" by the Greeks), Anubis was sometimes associated with Sirius in the heavens, and Cerberus in Hades.
In Greek legend the asphodel is one of the most famous of the plants connected with the dead and the underworld.
The New Testament Hades is a temporary holding place, to be used only until the end of time, when its inhabitants will be thrown into the pit of Gehenna or the Lake of Fire.
BCE) did Jews begin to adopt the Greek idea that it would be a place of punishment for misdeeds, and that the righteous would enjoy an afterlife in heaven.
Derzelas (Darzalas) was a Dacian or Thracian chthonic god of abundance and the underworld, health and human spirit's vitality, probably related with gods such as Hades, Zalmoxis, Gebeleizis.
The titular topic of the poem would have been the myth of Theseus and Perithous' trip to Hades seeking to win Persephone as bride for Perithous.
Due largely to their "extremely close relationship", Quincey's good friend, Lord Arthur Holmwood, has proposed Alexander's induction into the mysterious and exclusive Hades Club.
He won a wider fan following for his occasional appearances as the God Hades in both the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess series, which were both filmed in New Zealand.
Danaus ordered his 49 daughters to kill their husbands and condemned them to delivering water to a bottomless vessel in Hades.
The journal's name, Orpheu was not chosen by accident - as in Greek myth, Orpheus (Orfeu in Portuguese) was the musician who, to save his wife Eurydice from Hades, had to travel from the world of the living with the stipulation to not looking back.
In the Chu series, Jin has the ability to transform into the god of the underworld, Hades.
However, it turns out that Medusa was a fake leader revived by the true Lord of the Underworld: Hades.
The squadron claims to have barred the way (front and rear) during the German retreat in 1918 and so considered Cerberus, as the watchdog of Hades, a suitable badge.
The play made its world premiere at the Etcetera Theatre in London, with Howarth cast in the title role and Anton Shelupanov in the role of Hades.
"Hot gates" is also "the place of hot springs and cavernous entrances to Hades".
He greets Claudius in Hades and runs ahead of him through the gates of the underworld.
A loser finds himself in the Underworld, where Hades challenges Wishbone to a game in which he must beat Hades to the magic potion of Asclepius.
Hades | Son of Hades | In ''Harrowing of Hades'', fresco in the ''parecclesion'' of the Chora Church | Hadès (missile) | ''Hadès'' |
Each has three “major” Gods to choose from before each game, these being Zeus, Hades and Poseidon for the Greeks; Ra, Isis and Set for the Egyptians and Odin, Thor and Loki for the Norse.
Alan Tecchio is an American singer, who sang for Seven Witches, Watchtower, and Hades.
Meanwhile, Hercules goes back after Leanna and finds out she was ordered to be here by Hades to watch over the Harpy eggs.
Calu is an Etruscan chthonic deity, often equated with the Etruscan equivalent to the Greek Hades, Aita.
Carried west by Phoenician sailors, Canaanite religious influences can be seen in Greek mythology, particularly in the tripartite division between the Olympians Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, mirroring the division between Baal, Yam and Mot, and in the story of the Labours of Hercules, mirroring the stories of the Tyrian Melkart, who was often equated with Heracles.
In the Dragon Quest role-playing video game series, there is a piece of equipment named "Hades' helm."
From 1980 to 1993, the French Air Force occupied at 0.4 km² plot where it operated a plant for the assembly of nuclear warheads for air and land-based missiles (ASMP and Hadès).
Goodman also published while abroad a Commentary upon Amos, in which he likens Mary to Proserpine, queen of Hades.
A "mythical" people also named Cimmerians are described in Book 11, 14 of Homer's Odyssey as living beyond the Oceanus, in a land of fog and darkness, at the edge of the world and the entrance of Hades.
Although individual myths, like that of Sisyphus who was condemned to eternal punishment in the realms of Hades, did exist, they were largely exceptions to the rule and never developed into a proper system of beliefs about life after death.
Downtown Hades is the second album of the Norwegian thrash metal band Infernö.
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas ("Os Cavaleiros do Zodiaco - The Lost Canvas: A Saga de Hades" in Brazil)
Archaeological excavations of Cyrene's Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone, also known as Kore, daughter of Demeter and legendary Queen of the Underworld and consort of Hades, began in 1969 under the sponsorship of the University of Michigan.
The 4th century Ulfilas (Wulfila) or Gothic Bible is the first Bible to use Hell's Proto-Germanic form Halja, and maintains a distinction between Hades and Gehenna.
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Gray Waste (more fully, the Gray Wastes of Hades; also, Hades, The Three Glooms, Hope's Loss or The Nadir) is a strongly evil aligned plane of existence.
Hades Records emerged at the end of 2000, based upon the idea that underground Hip-hop music represents an ideological revolution, a war fought not with fire arms, but rather with the soul and mind as weapons.
The genus name Haidomyrmex was coined as a combination of the Greek word Haidos meaning "Hades the realm of the dead" and Myrmica, a genus of ants.
The game features a Championship mode consisting of 3 cups with 10 tracks spread across 5 mythical environments (including Mount Olympus and Hades), as well as single race and Battle modes.
As the subterranean destination for all who die, Irkalla is similar to Sheol of the Hebrew Bible or Hades of classic Greek mythology.
In his book HimEros written as a dialogue, Socrates’ wife Xanthippe relates to the Helsinkian what happened to Socrates in Hades, how Socrates decided to escape from Hades and go to study philosophy at the University of Helsinki, and how he was arrested, sentenced to death and executed as a result of a three-day conversation with the philosophers of the University.
Bianca and Nico spent the next 70 years in the Lotus Hotel before Hades had Alecto took them out and put them in a military school in Bar Harbor, Maine, hoping to have them fulfill the Great Prophecy.
Other subjects include Hades kidnapped Persephone, Eos kidnapped Cephalus, and Castor and Pollux abducting the daughters of Leucippus.
The lyrics "I'm just like rolling a stone up a hill in Hades" is a reference to Sisyphus, a figure who in Greek mythology was sentenced to roll a stone up a hill for eternity.