
unusual facts about Dinka


Dinka people |

Aliab Dinka

3,000 Dinka men attacked the police post at Mekamon, near Bor, and killed several policemen.

When hostilities resumed in 1983 with the Second Sudanese Civil War there was a violent reaction against the Dinka, with many being killed by the Mundari in Juba.


They had come to a head in 1999 when the Didinga officer Peter Lorot was passed over for promotion in favor of a Dinka, assassinated his rival and took to the woods with his supporters.

Didinga people

They came to a head in 1999 when the Didinga officer Peter Lorot was passed over for promotion in favor of a Dinka, assassinated his rival and took to the woods with his supporters.

Dinka people

The Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions.

Forces led by the breakaway faction of Riek Machar deliberately killed an estimated 2,000 civilians in Dinka villages of Jonglei State and wounded several thousand more over the course of two months.

Elijah Malok Aleng

The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) forces of Eagle Battalion, whom they were commanding, were largely made up of Dinka elements from Northern Bahr el Ghazal specifically from Abiei, Gogrial and Aweil Counties.

Georg August Schweinfurth

Starting from Khartoum in January 1869, he went up the White Nile to Bahr-el-Ghazal, and then, with a party of ivory dealers, through the regions inhabited by the Diur (Dyoor), Dinka, Bongo and Niam-Niam; crossing the Congo-Nile watershed he entered the country of the Mangbetu (Monbuttu) and discovered the river Uele (March 19, 1870), which by its westward flow he knew was independent of the Nile.

George Echom

In May 2011 Dinka Bor cattle herders trespassed into the Nimule and Mugali areas of the Madi people in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State, causing massive crop damage.

Ignatius Knoblecher

He returned to Africa in 1852 with five new missionaries, established a mission among the Bari tribe at Gondokoro, and in 1854 another among the Dinka or Jangeh people at Angweyn (Heiligenkreuz).

Inka Dinka Doo

"Inka Dinka Doo" is a 1933 popular song whose words were written by Ben Ryan, and whose music was composed by James Francis "Jimmy" Durante.

Pochalla County

Their culture and language is similar to the other agricultural Nilotes, but very different from the agropastoral Nilotes, the Dinka and Nuer.

South Sudan Liberation Movement

Groups of Western Nuer and Dinka from Tonj, Rumbek and Yirol took part, leading to a peace agreement in March 1999 to end the ethnic fighting.

Yebbo Communication Network

According to 2006 client request data, the Afro-Asiatic Amharic, Tigrinya, Somali and Oromo are designated as Yebbo’s Core languages, in addition to the Niger-Congo Swahili language, and the Nilo-Saharan Dinka and Nuer languages.

see also