
unusual facts about Discourse

John Greville Fennell

This is a discursive attempt at the humorous style in writing on angling topics, which was at that time fashionable.

1650 in poetry

Thomas Vaughan writing under the pen name "Eugenius Philalethes", Anthroposophia Theomagica; or, A Discourse of the Nature of Man and his State After Death


was the name of a class of courtesans or female entertainers in Arab Egypt, women educated to sing and recite classical poetry and to discourse wittily, connected by musician Alain Weber (1997) to the qayna slave singers of pre-Islamic Arabia.

Arthur Charlett

He published A Discourse of the Holy Eucharist, 1686, in answer to Abraham Woodhead's Two Discourses concerning ... the Eucharist, published by Obadiah Walker in 1686.

Baptista Mantuanus

Besides his sermon preached before Innocent VIII, Mantuan’s most notable works in prose include De patientia, a rambling discourse on physical and spiritual illness that includes an early allusion to Columbus’ discovery of America, and De vita beata, a dialogue on the religious life that he wrote soon after entering the Carmelite order.

Brazilian presidential election, 1989

Other artists, like actress Marília Pêra, preferred to support Collor and sustain his discourse, stating that they feared what could happen in Brazil if the leftist union leader Lula was victorious.


Corpus-assisted discourse studies, the study, investigation, and comparison of features of particular discourse types

Carlos Altamirano

During Salvador Allende's government, he had a very strong discourse, calling to "advance without compromise" (avanzar sin transar — that might be compared to Marceau Pivert's tout est possible, "everything is possible", during the 1936 Popular Front in France).

Christopher Heydon

Heydon also wrote but did not publish An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations (c. 1608), a further defence of astrology drawing on Kepler, with a short account of the 1603 conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.

Daniel Santbech

Santbech also studied the subject of gunnery and ballistics as a theoretic discourse as well as for the practical application of war, and utilized the foundations of geometry, with ample references to Euclid and Ptolemy, in order to do so.

Darcy Ribeiro

Long before politicians incorporated the importance of education for the development of Brazil into their discourse, Darcy Ribeiro and Leonel Brizola had already developed these ideals.

False pleasure

Slavoj Žižek had added a further twist to the debate for the 21st century, arguing that in a postmodern age dominated by what he calls "the superego injunction to enjoy that permeates our discourse", the quest for pleasure has become more of a duty than a pleasure: for Žižek, "psychoanalysis is the only discipline in which you are allowed not to enjoy" !

Five Discourses of Matthew

The third discourse in Matthew 13 (1-53) provides several parables for the Kingdom of Heaven and is often called the Parabolic Discourse.

Floating Foundation of Photography

Photography critic A. D. Coleman described it as "moored at the literal edge of Manahattan, marginal by definition, it served a key role as the medium of photography itself moved from the periphery to the center of cultural discourse and creative activity."

Forensic rhetoric

The critical legal studies movement occurred because as John L. Lucaites, a prominent author on the subject, concluded both legal studies and rhetorical scholars desire to demystify complex law discourse.

French Impressionist Cinema

1 Others, namely Richard Abel, criticize these attempts and group the films and filmmakers more loosely, based on a common goal of “exploration of the process of representation and signification in narrative film discourse.” 2 Still others such as Dudley Andrew would struggle with awarding any credibility at all as “movement.” 3


The corresponding acronym, GUBU, was coined by Conor Cruise O'Brien, and both it and the phrase are still occasionally used in Irish political discourse to describe notorious scandals.

Intrapersonal communication

In Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry, Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson argue that intrapersonal communication is indeed a special case of interpersonal communication, as "dialogue is the foundation for all discourse."

Jeannette Armstrong

In addition to her creative works, Armstrong has published and continues to compose a wealth of critical works such as The Native Creative Process, a collaborative discourse between Armstrong and Douglas Cardinal on Aboriginal artistry, and “Land Speaking,” which addresses how land and Okanagan language influence her writing.

Jeffrey K. Olick

He not only traces representations of the Holocaust in state rhetoric, but also builds on Mikhail Bakhtin to develop a dialogical approach to memory by examining the ways in which later moments in the discourse respond to earlier moments.

José Leite de Vasconcelos

In 1910 Miuçalhas gallegas was published; drawing attention to various aspects of Galician studies, it contained a brief discourse on the linguistic boundary between Fala and Galician, corresponding to Ribadavia, Ferreiros and San Miguel de Lobios in Ourense, much of Hermisende and Zamora—although the last of these is, strictly speaking, a separated or transmontane Fala.

Josh Kopelman

He is an investor, director and advisor to a variety of businesses, most in the software and Internet domain, including Jingle Networks, Odeo, Eventful, Krugle, Ambient Devices, del.icio.us, IronPort, RockYou!, myYearbook, Knewton, VideoEgg, Wikia and Discourse.

Joshua Falk

Kontres 'al Diney Ribbis, a discourse on the laws relating to the prohibition of usury, followed by some "takkanot" (ordinances by the Rabbis), Sulzbach, 1692;

Lawrence D. Mass

He conducted and published many interviews with such leading figures in the discourse as Judd Marmor, Richard Pillard, Thomas Szasz, John Money, Charles Silverstein, Masters and Johnson, Richard Green, Mary Calderone, John Boswell, John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman, and Martin Duberman.

Lies of Our Times

In 1995, Lies of Our Times won the Orwell Award, given out annually by the National Council of Teachers of English for outstanding contributions to the critical analysis of public discourse.

Louis-Félix Guinement de Kéralio

Around 1780, the chevalier de Keralio and the editor Panckoucke signed a contract to edit 4 volumes on "Art militaire" in the Encyclopédie Méthodique, published from 1784 to 1787, for which he wrote a preliminary discourse and several articles.

New literacies

According to Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel from this "social practice" perspectives, "new literacies" can refer to “new socially recognized ways of generating, communicating and negotiating meaningful content through the medium of encoded texts within contexts of participation in Discourses (or, as members of Discourses) ”.

New York Hospital

The origin of the New York Hospital can be traced to the commencement address of Dr. Samuel Bard, Professor of the “Practice of Medicine”, delivered to the first two medical doctors to graduate from King’s College (Now Columbia College, Columbia University) in 1769 titled “A discourse upon the duties of a physician, with some sentiments on the usefulness and necessity of a public hospital.”

NYU Stern classes

In addition to the Inquiry and Discourse classes every week, there is a Plenary session in which all BIP students must attend.

On Religion

He entered a Moravian seminary in Barby, Germany in 1785, only to lead to his eventual expulsion for engaging in heretical philosophic discourse.

Political positions of Libertas

The Anti-Defamation League, United Nations, and Council of Europe monitor parties for use of racist, xenophobic and/or anti-Semitic discourse.

René Lussier

His work, which combines elements from all major genres, is often referred to within the discourse of New Music, or Musiques Actuelles, in French.

Reverse Discourse

Reverse Discourse is an album by producer Joe Beats released in 2002.

Roland Barthes

Jeffrey Eugenides's "The Marriage Plot" draws out excerpts from Barthes's "A Lover's Discourse: Fragments" as a way to depict the unique intricacies of love that one of the main characters, Madeleine Hanna, experiences throughout the novel.

Ruth Wodak

She is member of the editorial board of a range of linguistic journals, co-editor of the journal Discourse and Society and editor of Critical Discourse Studies (with Norman Fairclough, Phil Graham and Jay Lemke) and of the Journal of Language and Politics (with Paul Chilton).

Samuel Bold

The letters discuss and condemn the views expressed in John Broughton's Psychologia and John Norris's Essay towards the Theory of an Ideal World. The discourse deals with Daniel Whitby's arguments against Locke.

Sarah Simblet

Her latest project, in collaboration with Gabriel Hemery, is to be called "The New Sylva - a discourse of forest and orchard trees in the 21st century" and is to be published in 2014 to mark the 350th anniversary of John Evelyn's work "Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber".

Sebastien Michaelis

The Gaufridy affair aroused great public interest, and an English translation of Michaelis's work, The Admirable History of Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman: Seduced by a Magician that Made Her to Become a Witch, was published in 1620 by William Aspley (the translation, by "W.B.", also includes Pneumology, or Discourse of Spirits).

Southern Yukaghir language

Kolyma Yukaghir has a split intransitive alignment system based on discourse-pragmatic features.

Stock character

Circa 212 BC, Ariston’s discourse on morality included several proud Character types and mimicked the Theophrastan style.


In its early years, the magazine featured articles by writers including Niklaus Meienberg, Peter Bichsel and Laure Wyss, and, as a bastion of journalistic enlightenment in the 1970s, it heavily defined cultural and political discourse in Switzerland.

Tait's Magazine

1832 was a time of great political ferment, with the first Reform Bill the dominant subject of discourse.

Talking Right

Nunberg argues that the problem runs much deeper, in that the entire political discourse in the United States today has been shaped heavily by conservatives.

The Fright of Real Tears

However, Žižek also contrasts Kieślowski's position with the tendency of modern media to produce a discourse in which everything is openly and obscenely declared, such as confessions by public figures like the former U.S. President Bill Clinton.


Drawing on all the previous work led Sadi Carnot, the "father of thermodynamics", to publish Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire (1824), a discourse on heat, power, energy and engine efficiency.

Timeline of Rambhadracharya

:Wrote a Sanskrit epic poem Śrībhārgavarāghavīyam, a Sanskrit minor poem Śrīrāghavabhāvadarśanam, a Sanskrit commentary on the Rāmastavarājastotra Śrīrāmastavarājastotre Śrīrāghavakṛpābhāṣyam and a Hindi discourse Śrī Sītārāma Vivāha Darśana.

Traditions of Intolerance

Traditions of intolerance: Historical Perspectives on Fascism and Race Discourse in Britain is a book edited by Tony Kushner and Kenneth Lunn.

Tundra Yukaghir language

Tundra Yukaghir has a split intransitive alignment system based on discourse-pragmatic features.


In modern western philosophical discourse, Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty have approached what western scholarship generally concedes to be a standard Yogācāra position.

Yukaghir languages

The most spectacular feature of TY and KY grammar is the split intransitive alignment system based on discourse-pragmatic features.

see also