
2 unusual facts about Discovery Institute

Of Pandas and People

Discovery Institute Senior Fellows William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells are the listed authors of this edition, presented as a sequel.

The Devil in Dover

It deals with the involvement of outside parties like the Discovery Institute, Thomas More Law Center, ACLU, the scientific, religious and philosophical issues raised by the intelligent design movement, and the pitfalls for journalists covering a controversy like Kitzmiller, particularly small-town reporters.

Larry Arnhart

Arnhart has debated the leading advocates of intelligent designMichael Behe, William Dembski, John West, Jonathan Wells, and Richard Weikart—all of whom are fellows of the Discovery Institute.

Nancy Pearcey

Pearcey is a fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, the center of the intelligent design movement, where she has had the primary responsibility for promoting the intelligent design movement's viewpoint through op-eds, for journals and magazine's, especially Marvin Olasky's World magazine.

Susan Hutchison

Hutchison serves as an officer of the following boards: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington, DC), Finance Chair (present) of Young Life International, Vice Chair (present) All-Star Orchestra, Vice President (present) and Chair (2006-2009) Seattle Symphony, and on the following boards: Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Children's Hospital Foundation, Discovery Institute, and Salvation Army.

Whitworth University

Stephen C. Meyer (1980), executive officer and co-founder of the Discovery Institute, a Seattle based think tank promoting the inclusion of Intelligent Design in the biological sciences, and one-time philosophy professor at Whitworth.

see also

David Klinghoffer

In May 2010, the Discovery Institute released a free 105 page eBook titled Signature of Controversy: Responses to Critics of Signature in the Cell edited by Klinghoffer with chapters by Discovery Institute fellows David Berlinski, Casey Luskin, Stephen C. Meyer, Paul Nelson, Jay Richards and Richard Sternberg.

Intelligent design movement

In another instance, the Discovery Institute frequently mentions the Nobel Prize in connection with Henry F. Schaefer, a Discovery Institute fellow, and chemist at the University of Georgia.

Kansas evolution hearings

# Giuseppe Sermonti - Chief Editor of Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum and author of Why Is a Fly Not a Horse? which is published by the Discovery Institute.


David Klinghoffer, author and essayist at the Discovery Institute, and a proponent of intelligent design.

Larry Caldwell

Caldwell used in his proposed syllabus written material from the Discovery Institute's Cornelius Hunter and a video entitled Icons of Evolution based on Jonathan Wells' book by the same name, also from the institute.


Scott Minnich, associate professor of microbiology at the University of Idaho, and a fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture

Myron W. Wentz

The suit cited several allegations from a report released by Barry Minkow and the Fraud Discovery Institute.