
unusual facts about ACLU


Abraham Lavender

He has been a member of Mensa, and the board of directors of the Miami chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

American Civil Liberties Union v. Department of Defense

In late September, 2005, Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein, though affirming the Glomar response ("can neither confirm nor deny") for some documents, found that the ACLU case for FOIA disclosure was stronger, and that the Glomar application to certain documents was not valid.

American Violet

The film is based on the civil rights lawsuit Regina Kelly v. John Paschall, filed on behalf of 15 African-American residents of Hearne, Texas who were indicted in November 2000 on drug charges after being rounded up in a series of drug sweeps the ACLU referred to as "paramilitary".

Aryeh Neier

Neier was criticized for his decision to have the ACLU support the National Socialist Party of America, a Neo-Nazi group, in its efforts to march in Skokie, Illinois in the case National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, despite the presence in Skokie of large numbers of Jews and Holocaust survivors.

At a party in Washington, D.C. in early 1976, an attendee from New York indicated that he would not vote for Jimmy Carter for president because of his Southern accent, to which Charles Morgan, Jr., the ACLU's legislative director replied "That's bigotry, and that makes you a bigot."


Former ASPIRA club members, or ASPIRANTES, as they are known, include ACLU's Anthony Romero, former Bronx Borough President and New York City democratic mayoral nominee Fernando Ferrer and actor Jimmy Smits.

Ben Salmon

The fledgling American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) eventually took up his case, and the tide of post-war public opinion favored the release of conscientious objectors.

Carl Cohen

He has been a lifetime activist for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), serving as Chair of the Michigan affiliate of the ACLU, and for years as a member of the National Board of Directors of the ACLU.

Child Online Protection Act

In addition to the plaintiffs ACLU et al., several witnesses testified in defense of first amendment rights on the Internet, including the director of the Erotic Authors Association, Marilyn Jaye Lewis.

Claude Green

The circumstances surrounding his death have led to a lawsuit being filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), acting on behalf of Mr. Green's family, against the police officer who attended, Police Chief Robert "Bobby" Bowman.

Harry F. Ward

Ward is best remembered as the first national chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), leading the group from its creation in 1920 until his resignation in protest of the organization's decision to bar Communists in 1940.

Illinois wiretapping law

In 2010, the American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit ACLU v. Alvarez against the State's Attorney of Cook County, Anita Alvarez, to block prosecution of ACLU staff for recording police officers performing their duties in public places, one of the group's long-standing monitoring missions.

Incarceration in the United States

On December 21, U.S. District Court Judge Myron Thompson ruled in a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of several inmates that Alabama's practice in doing so violated federal disabilities law.

Jene Newsome

With help from her lawyers at the ACLU, she sought $800,000 from Rapid City Mayor Alan Hanks and the city council to compensate for her financial losses, which include loss of the chance to qualify for a retirement plan worth $500,000 or more.

Kate Clinton

Clinton works extensively with social justice and nonprofit organizations, and has been a regular MC at major fundraising events and dinners for groups like the NYC LGBT Center (at its Annual Garden Party); the National Center for Lesbian Rights; the ACLU; Out & Equal, among others.

Kirk Cashmere

After studying Law at the University of Hawaii, he served as legal director for the ACLU, worked with the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii and the Life Foundation, and was a member of the state's Ethics Committee.

Michelle Alexander

Working on "Driving While Black" DWB racial profiling in Oakland with the ACLU, a young African-American man came in with a well-documented case of most of a year of repeated stops by police with dates and names.

Mohamed et al. v. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.

is a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of five victims of extraordinary renditions against Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc., which had provided services that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used to perform renditions.

Negreet, Louisiana

In January of 2014, the ACLU filed suit against the Sabine Parish School Board, Superintendent Sara Erarb, Principal Gene Wright and teacher Rita Roark of Negreet High School, alleging officials at one of its schools harassed a sixth-grader because of his Buddhist faith and that the district routinely pushes Christian beliefs upon their students.

Pedro Guzman

Upon his return, Guzman (represented by law firm Morrison & Foerster) filed a separate lawsuit in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) alleging racial discrimination and violations of Guzman's constitutional rights.

Peter D. Hart

NGOs and institutions like Smithsonian Institution, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Habitat for Humanity, the ACLU, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Kennedy Center are clients of Peter D. Hart Research Associates, as well as corporations such as Boeing, Time-Warner, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, IBM, Fannie Mae, AT&T, and Tiffany & Co..

Presidential Classroom

During each one-week visit, students tour different sites in DC, including the State Department, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, Mount Vernon, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, World War II Memorial, and various advocacy organizations, such as the NRA, RNC, DNC, and ACLU

Richard Fred Suhrheinrich

In addition, he criticized the ACLU's "repeated references to the 'separation of church and state'", stating that "this extra-constitutional construct has grown tiresome." Judge Alice Batchelder joined in the opinion, while District Judge Walter Rice merely concurred in the decision but not the opinion.

Smith Act trials of Communist Party leaders

-- the University of California required all faculty members to take an oath asserting that they were not communists; --> former government employee Alger Hiss was tried for perjury stemming from accusations that he was a communist (a trial also held at the Foley Square courthouse); labor leader Harry Bridges was accused of perjury when he denied being a communist; and the ACLU passed an anti-communist resolution.

State v. Reid

Though the defendant and amici curiae, the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey (ACDL) and the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey (ACLU), argued that notice of the subpoena must also be given to the subscriber, the court again deferred to McAllister, where it ruled that notice is not constitutionally required in order for law enforcement to obtain bank records through a grand jury subpoena.

The Devil in Dover

It deals with the involvement of outside parties like the Discovery Institute, Thomas More Law Center, ACLU, the scientific, religious and philosophical issues raised by the intelligent design movement, and the pitfalls for journalists covering a controversy like Kitzmiller, particularly small-town reporters.

Washington Death with Dignity Act

Organizations that supported I-1000 include the American Medical Student Association, the American Medical Women’s Association, the Lifelong AIDS Association, the ACLU, the National Women’s Law Center, the Washington Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, and the Washington State Public Health Association.

Witold Walczak

Walczak oversaw the ACLU of Pennsylvania's 2005 challenge to the Dover Area School District's policy requiring the teaching of Intelligent Design.

see also