
unusual facts about Disparity

Regional policy of the European Union

More than one third of the EU's budget is devoted to this policy, which aims to remove economic, social and territorial disparities across the EU, restructure declining industrial areas and diversify rural areas which have declining agriculture.

Gamma motor neuron

Spasms can be caused by a disparity between how much alpha and gamma motor neurons are firing i.e. too much gain of one or the other.

Hillburn, New York

In 1943, the attorney Thurgood Marshall won a disparity case regarding integration of the schools of Hillburn, 11 years before his landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education.


While there is much disparity between the two texts, they do agree on at least one issue: In both the Record and Kyotaku Denki the notion of Puhua being an eccentric imbued with a sort of crazy wisdom, and perhaps even an iconoclast, is supported.

Sensory substitution

The frequency and the inter-aural disparity are determined by the center of gravity of the co-ordinates of the receptive field's pixels in the image (see "There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later"; Auvray M., Hanneton S., Lenay C., O'Regan K. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 4 (2005) 505-21).

Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

After providing evidence against genetic causes for the disparity, the program further explores how exposure to racism might affect health.

see also