
6 unusual facts about Display resolution

Display resolution

(Modern game consoles solve this problem by pre-filtering the 480i video to a lower resolution. For example, Final Fantasy XII suffers from flicker when the filter is turned off, but stabilizes once filtering is restored. The computers of the 1980s lacked sufficient power to run similar filtering software.)

Microsoft Windows XP, released in 2001, was designed to run at 800x600 minimum, although it is possible to select the original 640x480 in the Advanced Settings window.

File sequence

Consider that a single frame in a DI project is currently from 9MB to 48MB large (depending upon resolution and colour-depth), whereas video refresh rate is commonly 24 or 25 frames per second (if not faster); any storage required for real-time playing such contents thus needs a minimum overall throughput of 220MB/s to 1.2GB/s, respectively.


:**graphical: resolution max 512×212 pixels (16 colors 512) and 256×212 (256 colors)


The extension framework allows laptops and handheld computers to change their screen size to drive external monitors at different resolutions than their built in screens.

Sony Ericsson T68i

Launched in time for the 2001 Christmas season, the T68 was the first Ericsson mobile phone to have a colour screen, a passive LCD-STN with a resolution of 101×80 and 256 colours.

Project Blinkenlights

Project Blinkenlights was a light installation in the Haus des Lehrers building at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin that transformed the building front into a giant low-resolution monochrome computer screen.

see also