Dissociation constant | International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation | The Stranger in the Mirror: Dissociation – The Hidden Epidemic |
Melting curve analysis, a biochemical technique relying on heat-dependent dissociation between two DNA strands
During his post-doctoral training and work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1984-1987), Somer was personally supervised by Prof. Erika Fromm on behavioral medicine, dissociation and analytical hypnotherapy.
The idea of establishing a European society for trauma and dissociation was first conceived by ESTD's past presidents Eli Somer and Remy Aquarone during their service on the board of directors of the USA-based International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) with the vision of developing the ISSTD as a United Nations-like organisation composed of continental, regional and national societies.
The paper containing the equation, also known as the Double Reciprocal Plot, was co-authored by Dr. Dean Burk, and was entitled "The Determination of Enzyme Dissociation Constants (1934)".
At the same time, it promotes dissociation of any bound GDP from the protein, enhancing GTP binding.
Recently, EThcD has been developed combining electron-transfer and higher-energy collision dissociation.
This quantum interference in many body system has been described using quantum mechanics by Gregor Wentzel, for the interpretation of the Auger effect, by Ettore Majorana for the dissociation processes and quasi bound states, by Ugo Fano for the atomic auto-ionization states in the continuum of helium atomic spectrum and by Victor Frederick Weisskopf.
The Stranger in the Mirror: Dissociation – The Hidden Epidemic, written by Marlene Steinberg and Maxine Schnall is a book which goes through case files of individuals with dissociative identity disorder, who have suffered traumatizing happenings and how they have employed dissociation as a defense mechanism to detach themselves from the emotional stimuli which the victims endured.
It has been argued that the genetic and structural evidence supporting the model simply shows BiP dissociation to be merely correlated with Ire1 activation, rather than specifically causing it.