Robert Richardson (UK), lecturer in engineering systems and design, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
As Dr. Zahi Hawass announced on his blog: "The purpose of this project is to send a robotic tunnel explorer into the two “air shafts” that lead from the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu to gather evidence to determine the purpose of the shafts."
Manhattan Project | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Project Gemini | Project Greenlight | Project Nike | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Project Orion | Men's Recovery Project | Eden Project | World Justice Project | Wounded Warrior Project | The Octopus Project | The Alan Parsons Project | Project Xanadu | Gotan Project | German nuclear energy project | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | The Spamhaus Project | The Mindy Project | Project Pluto | Project management | project management | Project Grudge | Project Athena | Investigative Project on Terrorism | Hello! Project |