
unusual facts about Dominica–United States relations

Dominica–United States relations

The Peace Corps also provides technical assistance to the Commonwealth of Dominica, and has volunteers on the island working primarily in education, youth development, and health.

2013 Windward Islands Tournament

Dominica was originally scheduled to take part in the tournament but withdrew on 19 April, only two days before the tournament began, after head coach Kurt Hector and defender Noran Jno Hope were killed in a car accident on the way to Melville Hall Airport to meet their other teammates to fly to St. Vincent.

Alastair Forbes

Forbes’ first overseas posting was to Dominica in the British West Indies in 1936 as a magistrate and government officer, where much of his time was spent compiling an index of the island's laws (his assistant for many years was the barrister (later Dame) Eugenia Charles, who subsequently co-founded the centrist Dominica Freedom Party and in 1980 became the Caribbean's first female prime minister).

Albania–United States relations

Even while the United States, which had closed its mission to Albania in 1946, was being vilified by communist propaganda during the regime of Enver Hoxha, ordinary Albanians remembered that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had interceded on behalf of Albanian independence from 1919 to 1920, strongly arguing against a proposed partition of Albania by the Paris Peace Conference and subsequently enabling Albania to achieve statehood and international recognition by the League of Nations.

Angola–United States relations

This was thwarted by the Tunney/Clark amendment, passed by a Democratic congress forbidding any involvement.

Aruba–United States relations

Joran van der Sloot, Aruban resident sought by an arrest warrant from the United States

Ascetical theology

Thomas of Jesus (died 1582) wrote the "Passion of Christ" and "De oratione dominica".

Australia–United States relations

The penal colonies of Australia were actually a redirect from the Thirteen Colonies, for indentured and penal transportation for debtors was officially first begun in the Province of Georgia.

Cabrits National Park

Cabrits National Park is on a peninsula at the north end of the Caribbean island of Dominica, north of Portsmouth.

Cameroon–United States relations

The program will fund an agricultural development and nutrition enhancement project in the East and Adamawa provinces.


Coulibistrie is part of the Salisbury constituency in the Dominica House of Assembly, in which it is represented by Hector John (UWP) as of the 2009 general election.

Dominica–France Maritime Delimitation Agreement

The treaty was signed by French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac and Dominica Prime Minister Eugenia Charles.

Dominican general election, 2000

General elections were held in Dominica on 31 January 2000 and saw the Dominica Labour Party led by Rosie Douglas take power defeating the previous government of the United Workers' Party led by Edison James, despite the UWP receiving more votes.

Dominican Snout

The Dominican Snout is rare, and locally distributed on Dominica in dry coastal forest and scrub, at such sites as Cabrits National Park, Morne Espagnole, and Morne Daniel.

Eritrea–United States relations

The treaty granted the United States control and expansion of the important British military communications base at Kagnew near Asmara.

Ghana–United States relations

Ghana – United States relations have generally been friendly since Ghana's independence, except for a period of strained relations during the later years of the Nkrumah regime.

Giuseppe Antonio Borgese

He was professor in the Universities of Chicago and California until the end of World War II, making friends with Thomas Mann and marrying his youngest daughter Elisabeth with whom he had two daughters, Angelica and Dominica.

Grenada–United States relations

In October 1983, the United States led an invasion of Grenada, code named Urgent Fury, after the overthrow and murder of the leader of Grenada, Maurice Bishop, by the Bernard Coard.

Guyana–United States relations

During the last years of his administration, President Hoyte sought to improve relations with the United States as part of a decision to move his country toward genuine political nonalignment.

Iran–United Kingdom relations

On 19 June 2009, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei described the British Government as the "most evil" of those in the Western nations, accusing the British government of sending spies into Iran to stir emotions at the time of the elections, although it has been suggested by British diplomats that the statement was using the UK as a "proxy" for the United States, in order to prevent damaging US–Iranian relations.

Isla Aves

During a visit to Venezuela, Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in June 2006, stated that Aves Island belongs to Venezuela, ending the territorial claim but not a maritime claim.

Jean Thurel

One of Thurel's sons was a corporal and a veteran in the same company; he died at the Battle of the Saintes, a naval battle that occurred on 12 April 1782 off the coast of Dominica, West Indies during the American campaign.

Laos–United States relations

In an effort to halt the planned repatriation, the Republican-led U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives both appropriated funds for the remaining Thailand-based Hmong to be immediately resettled in the U.S.; Clinton, however, responded by promising a veto of the legislation.

Macau–United States relations

The legislature passed an anti-terrorism law in April 2002 that includes provisions that are consistent with the requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 1373.

After the Macau government ended the 40-year-old gaming monopoly of the Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau (STDM) in February 2002, the government awarded concessions to three consortia, including two with significant U.S. investment.

Malaysia–United States relations

On 21st October 2013, The new American Secretary Of State, John Kerry visited Kuala Lumpur due to a conference held in the city.

Martin K. Weiche

In 1981, Weiche was named as one of the financial backers of Operation Red Dog, a failed white supremacist plot to overthrow the government of Dominica.

Matawan Regional High School

Erison Hurtault (born 1984, class of 2003), Olympic sprinter who competed in the 400 metres at the 2012 Summer Olympics representing Dominica.

Mongolia–United States relations

Secretary of State James Baker visited Mongolia in August 1990, and again in July 1991.

Montenegro–United States relations

During World War II, the United States Army Air Forces bombed Podgorica due to Nazi occupation in Montenegro.

Morne Rachette

Morne Rachette is part of the Salisbury constituency in the Dominica House of Assembly, in which it is represented by Hector John (UWP) as of the 2009 general election.

Mozambique–United States relations

During the process leading up to elections in October 1994, the United States served as a significant financier and member of the most important commissions established to monitor implementation of the Rome General Peace Accords.

Namibia–United States relations

In addition to the Embassy, the Centers for Disease Control, Peace Corps, and the Defense Department have offices in Windhoek.

Paraguay–United States relations

In September 2009 Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo revoked plans for US troops to hold joint military exercises and development projects after stating that he no longer thinks that hosting troops taking part in the US department of defence’s "New Horizons" programme was worthwhile.

Paul A. Russo

He was Ambassador of the United States to Barbados, Dominica, St Lucia, Antigua, St. Vincent, and St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla from 1986 to 1988, under Ronald Reagan.

Philippines–United States relations

Benefits to Filipinos from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration totaled $297,389,415 in 2006.

Republic of Texas–United States relations

Relations started in 1836 after the Texas Revolution, and ended in 1846 upon the annexation of Texas by the United States.

Rwanda–United States relations

American business interests have been small; currently, private U.S. investment is limited to the tea industry, franchising (FedEx, Coca-Cola, Western Union, and MoneyGram) and small holdings in service and manufacturing concerns.


This includes the Requiem (K626, 1791), Great Mass in C minor (K423, 1783), Coronation Mass (C major) (K317, 1779), several other masses, Vesperae Solennes de Confessore (K339, 1780), Vesperae de Dominica, his arrangement of Handel's Messiah plus two of his three great operas: Don Giovanni (K527, 1787) and Die Zauberflöte (K620, 1791).

Saint Lucia–United States relations

The Peace Corps, whose Eastern Caribbean regional headquarters is located in St. Lucia, has 22 volunteers in St. Lucia, working primarily in business development, education, and health.

Samuel Baptiste

His mother, Elaine Baptiste was from Willikies, Antigua, while his father, Lennard Baptiste, was originally from the town of Castle Bruce, Dominica.

Singapore–United States relations

The United States first opened a consulate in Singapore in 1836, appointing Joseph Balestier to the post of consul.

Sir George Prevost, 2nd Baronet

The only son of Sir George Prévost, 1st Baronet, by Catherine Anne, daughter of Major-general John Phipps, he was born at Roseau on Dominica on 20 August 1804.


Soufrière, Dominica, a village on the southwest coast of Dominica in the Caribbean.

Sudan–United States relations

In the early and mid-1990s, Carlos the Jackal, Osama bin Laden, Abu Nidal, and other terrorist leaders resided in Khartoum.

Switzerland–United States relations

As of 2010, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland is Donald S. Beyer Jr., and as of 2013 the Swiss ambassador to the U.S. is Manuel Sager.

Taiwan–United States relations

and the first ever Direct Election of the Presidency of Republic of China in 1996 and President Lee Teng-hui's 1995 visit to Cornell University of the United States that incurred the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis and the US intervention by deploying two aircraft carrier battlegroups near Taiwan Strait amid missile tests by People's Liberation Army in the nearby coastal provinces of People's Republic of China.

The Dominica Story

The Dominica Story: A History of the Island is a history book from 1975, written by famed Dominican historian Lennox Honychurch.

West Indies Power

It has geothermal power development activities in Nevis, Saba and Dominica.

see also