
2 unusual facts about Mongolia–United States relations

Mongolia–United States relations

Secretary of State James Baker visited Mongolia in August 1990, and again in July 1991.

Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns led a presidential delegation in July 2006 in conjunction with Mongolia's celebration of its 800th anniversary.

Afanasevo culture

The culture became known from excavations in the Minusinsk area of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, southern Siberia, but the culture was also widespread in western Mongolia, northern Xinjiang, and eastern and central Kazakhstan, with connections or extensions in Tajikistan and the Aral area.

Altanbulag, Selenge

Altanbulag began as a trading outpost across the Kyakhta River from the Russian town of Kyakhta during Qing Empire rule of Mongolia.

Amarkhuu Borkhuu

When he was a child his parents moved from Mongolia to Ulan-Ude, Buryatia in Russia.

Amédée Forestier

Baddeley, John F. Russia, Mongolia, China .... (Macmillan and Company, 1919).

Angola–United States relations

This was thwarted by the Tunney/Clark amendment, passed by a Democratic congress forbidding any involvement.

Aruba–United States relations

Joran van der Sloot, Aruban resident sought by an arrest warrant from the United States

Asia Security Conference

18 countries represented at the ministerial-level: Korea, Australia, Cambodia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, the United Kingdom and the United States.


In late 2011, Mongolia will test the use and storage of artificial naleds as a way of cooling Ulan Bator in the hot Mongolian summer, and reducing the use of energy-intensive air conditioning.

Australia–United States relations

The penal colonies of Australia were actually a redirect from the Thirteen Colonies, for indentured and penal transportation for debtors was officially first begun in the Province of Georgia.

Balingiin Tserendorj

In the face of Chinese threats to exile the Bogd Khan, Tserendorj, Prime Minister Gonchigjalzangiin Badamdorj and the Bogd Khan agreed to sign a document “voluntarily” abdicating Mongolia's autonomy to Chinese rule.

Bayar Dovdoi

He obtained PhD degree in the theme of “Stone sculptures of Eastern Mongolia”, and ScD degree in the theme of “Human Statues in Mongolian territory”.

Bombus soroeensis

In the west its distribution reaches the British mainland (including Skye and some minor Scottish islands, but excluding Ireland and the major Scottish islands), while in the east it extends to Lake Baykal in central Siberia, Mongolia, and, in the south-east, Anatolia and the northern Iranian mountains.


Buyant, Bayan-Ölgii, a sum (district) in Bayan-Ölgii Province, western Mongolia


Ceke, Inner Mongolia, a town in Ejin Banner, on the border with Outer Mongolia and the terminus of the Jiayuguan–Ceke Railway and the Linhe–Ceke Railway.

Christianity in Inner Mongolia

According to Tjalling Halbertsma, Christians used to live in Inner Mongolia before 1206.

Crataegus sanguinea

Crataegus sanguinea (common names Redhaw Hawthorn or Siberian hawthorn) is a species of hawthorn that is native to southern Siberia, Mongolia, and the extreme north of China.


the Daur people, also known as Dagur, Daγur, or Daguur, an ethnic group mostly living in Inner Mongolia, China;

Dominica–United States relations

The Peace Corps also provides technical assistance to the Commonwealth of Dominica, and has volunteers on the island working primarily in education, youth development, and health.

Eritrea–United States relations

The treaty granted the United States control and expansion of the important British military communications base at Kagnew near Asmara.

Ghana–United States relations

Ghana – United States relations have generally been friendly since Ghana's independence, except for a period of strained relations during the later years of the Nkrumah regime.

Grenada–United States relations

In October 1983, the United States led an invasion of Grenada, code named Urgent Fury, after the overthrow and murder of the leader of Grenada, Maurice Bishop, by the Bernard Coard.


In 1912, in the aftermath of the Xinhai Revolution, Gungsangnorbu made some attempts to form an alliance with Bogd Khan and the Khalkha Mongols in the newly independent state of Mongolia, with the Pan-Mongolist aim of annexing China's Inner Mongolian territories to an independent, Mongol-dominated Greater Mongolia.

Iran–United Kingdom relations

On 19 June 2009, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei described the British Government as the "most evil" of those in the Western nations, accusing the British government of sending spies into Iran to stir emotions at the time of the elections, although it has been suggested by British diplomats that the statement was using the UK as a "proxy" for the United States, in order to prevent damaging US–Iranian relations.

Isabelline Wheatear

This extends from Southern Russia, the Caspian region, the Kyzyl Kum Desert and Mongolia to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and Israel.

Japanese tree frog

The Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica) is a species of tree frog distributed from Hokkaidō to Yakushima in Japan and from Korea along the Ussuri River to northeastern China, northern Mongolia, and the southern Russian Far East.

Joseph Edward Lake

Joseph Edward Lake (born October 18, 1941) is an American career diplomat who, in 1990, became the first resident U.S. Ambassador to the Mongolian People's Republic (the first U.S. ambassador to Mongolia, Richard L. Williams, was not a resident there).

K. David Harrison

Harrison has done field work on endangered languages in Siberia and Mongolia Tuvan, Tsengel Tuvan, Tofa, Ös, Tuha, Monchak, Munda, and also in Paraguay, Chile, Papua New Guinea, and India.

Kharkhorin Rock

Kharkhorin Rock, also Kharkarin Rock or Phallic Rock, is a large statue of a penis raised on a platform on the steppe, located near Erdene Zuu Monastery (part of the World Heritage Site entitled Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape) in Kharkhorin, Övörkhangai Province of Mongolia.


Khitan people, ancient nomadic people, originally located at Mongolia and Manchuria

Macau–United States relations

The legislature passed an anti-terrorism law in April 2002 that includes provisions that are consistent with the requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 1373.

Michael Succow

After 1990, Succow did consulting work in a number of former Warsaw Pact countries as well as in Central Asia and East Asia resulting in the designation of nature reservations (including a number of UNESCO world nature heritage sites) in Kamchatka, the Lena river delta, Karelia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Georgia, Russia and Belarus.

Mongol language

Mongolic languages, a group of languages spoken in East-Central Asia, mostly in Mongolia and surrounding areas

Mongolicosa mongolensis

Mongolicosa mongolensis is a species of wolf spider only known from Gurvanbulag district, Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia.

Namibia–United States relations

In addition to the Embassy, the Centers for Disease Control, Peace Corps, and the Defense Department have offices in Windhoek.

Natsagiin Udval

Incumbent President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, candidate of Democratic Party won at 2013 Mongolian presidential election on June 26, 2013 with 50.23 percent of total votes while Mongolian People's Party candidate Badmaanyambuugiin Bat-Erdene got 41.97 percent, and Natsagiin Udval got 6.5 percent of total votes.

Nerchinsk katorga

Nerchinsk katorga (Russian: Нерчинская каторга, Nerchinskaya katorga) was a katorga system of the Russian Empire in the Nerchinsk okrug of Transbaikalia (today's Chita Oblast), between rivers Shilka and Argun, near the border to Mongolia, in the 18th to 20th centuries.


Nomadicare's founder Sas Carey began traveling to Mongolia in 1994 and studying traditional Mongolian medicine, a health system with roots in Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine.

Outer Mongolia

There was and is some confusion about whether Outer Mongolia only consisted of the four Khalkha aimags (Setsen Khan Aimag, Tüsheet Khan Aimag, Sain Noyon Khan Aimag and Zasagt Khan Aimag), or of Khalkha plus Oyirad areas Khovd and Tannu Uriankhai.

Paraguay–United States relations

In September 2009 Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo revoked plans for US troops to hold joint military exercises and development projects after stating that he no longer thinks that hosting troops taking part in the US department of defence’s "New Horizons" programme was worthwhile.

Philippines–United States relations

Benefits to Filipinos from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration totaled $297,389,415 in 2006.

Russian Caravan

The southern route by Odessa is far cheaper, but the tea is supposed to suffer in flavour in its transit through the tropical seas, while it improves in its passage through the cold dry climate of Mongolia and Siberia, by losing that unpleasant taste of firing whereby tea was dried using direct heat.

Rwanda–United States relations

American business interests have been small; currently, private U.S. investment is limited to the tea industry, franchising (FedEx, Coca-Cola, Western Union, and MoneyGram) and small holdings in service and manufacturing concerns.

Sanjaasürengiin Zorig

Zorig's grandfather was a Russian geographer who had come to Mongolia as part of an expedition headed by Pyotr Kozlov.

Simon Willson

Traveling with a group of more than 20 performers and crew performing in 81 large nightclubs and discos in 33 Major Chinese cities including Hong Kong, Chengdu, Shanghai, Dongguan, Shenzen, Shantou, Guangzhou, Beijing and Harbin nearly all the way to Mongolia.

Singapore–United States relations

The United States first opened a consulate in Singapore in 1836, appointing Joseph Balestier to the post of consul.

Stefan Heidemann

Co-operation with several archaeological missions especially in Syria among them at the citadels in Aleppo, Damascus and Masyaf, urban sites such as ar-Raqqa, and Kharab Sayyar, but also in Portugal, Mongolia, and Afghanistan Balkh.

Sudan–United States relations

In the early and mid-1990s, Carlos the Jackal, Osama bin Laden, Abu Nidal, and other terrorist leaders resided in Khartoum.

Taiwan–United States relations

and the first ever Direct Election of the Presidency of Republic of China in 1996 and President Lee Teng-hui's 1995 visit to Cornell University of the United States that incurred the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis and the US intervention by deploying two aircraft carrier battlegroups near Taiwan Strait amid missile tests by People's Liberation Army in the nearby coastal provinces of People's Republic of China.

Yapon Danzan

In 1932 Danzan was caught up in a widescale purge of suspected rightwingers (mostly politicians who voiced concerns with growing Soviet influence in Mongolia) that included Tseveen Jamsrano, Tseren-Ochiryn Dambadorj, and N. Jadamba.

Zhonghua minzu

For instance, the idea of Chinggis Khan as a "national hero" is contested by Mongolia, which since the fall of socialism has explicitly positioned Chinggis Khan as the father of the Mongolian state.

see also