
7 unusual facts about Don Lancaster

Kilobaud Microcomputing

Articles like "Two Hobbies: Model Railroading and Computing" and the article (written by the famous Don Lancaster) "Building a cheap video display for your Heathkit H-8" (a computer you could build yourself from a kit) are good examples.

Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems

At that time, Dan Meyer and Don Lancaster were among the most prolific authors in Popular Electronics.

Radio News

In September 1973 Radio Electronics published Don Lancaster's TV Typewriter, a low cost video display.


He soon started selling kits for other authors such as Don Lancaster and Louis Garner.

Thatcher, Arizona

Don Lancaster, early print on demand and personal computer pioneer, involved in the keyboard design of the Apple I computer.

Transistor–transistor logic

Lancaster, D. TTL Cookbook. Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams and Co. 1975.


This was an idea that was popularised by Don Lancaster in his 1978 book The TV Cheap Video Cookbook and his "TV Typewriter".

see also