In July 2012, Ossington Creative recorded a live performance of Croskerry in the Don Valley.
The ponds are fed by a diversion pipe running from Mud Creek which flows just to the west of the Brick Works.
In the second season, the team was expanded to eight members, and the task was to renovate a site in Toronto's Don Valley (on Bayview Avenue), converting it to a two-story "clubhouse" in one month with only a C$5000 budget, as part of the The Evergreen Brick Works project.
Las Vegas Valley | Don Quixote | Don Giovanni | Works Progress Administration | Don Cherry | Death Valley | Silicon Valley | San Fernando Valley | Don | Don (honorific) | Squaw Valley, Placer County, California | Squaw Valley | Don Cheadle | Rostov-on-Don | Shenandoah Valley | Baldwin Locomotive Works | Don Williams | Don Juan | Willamette Valley | Don Knotts | Don Imus | Don Carlos | Don Rickles | Don Omar | Valley of the Kings | Tennessee Valley Authority | Happy Valley | Don Henley | San Joaquin Valley | Rio Grande Valley |