
unusual facts about Donor portrait

Donor portrait

For example a chapel at Mals in South Tyrol has two fresco donor figures from before 881, one lay and the other of a tonsured cleric holding a model building.

Anicia Juliana

The frontispiece features her depiction, the first donor portrait in the history of manuscript illumination, flanked by the personifications of Magnanimity and Prudence, with an allegory of the "Gratitude of the Arts" prostrate in front of her.

Master of 1302

His works were basically Gothic in style, with modernized touches; his name comes from a set of votive frescos painted for bishop Gerardo de' Bianchi, who died in 1302; among these is a Madonna and Child Enthroned with an Angel and John the Baptist, including a portrait of the donor, located in the Baptistry of Parma.

Pietro Cavallini

The six scenes were made by the order of Bertoldo Stefaneschi, brother of Cardinal Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi, and include a donor portrait of him.

see also