In the winter of 1955, with a grave medical condition, Stewart was accompanied by her dear friend Maria Chabot to Oaxaca, Mexico where Dorothy was quoted as saying, “If I have to be sick, I would rather be sick here where I hear the street sounds of Mexico.” As Dorothy's condition worsened, Chabot moved her to the American British Cowdry Hospital in Mexico City, where Stewart died of a brain hemorrhage on December 24, 1955.
Dietrich moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1927 with her sister, Dorothy Stewart, an artist, and bought the Juan Jose Prada House on Canyon Road.
Rod Stewart | James Stewart | Martha Stewart | Jon Stewart | Dorothy L. Sayers | David A. Stewart | Stewart Copeland | Dorothy Parker | Dave Stewart | Dorothy Gale | Dorothy | Charles Stewart Parnell | Stewart Lee | Stewart Granger | Patrick Stewart | Stewart Brand | Tony Stewart | Kristen Stewart | John Stewart | Jackie Stewart | Dorothy Loudon | Dorothy Lamour | Dorothy Dandridge | Amii Stewart | Al Stewart | Rory Stewart | Dorothy Thompson | Dorothy Day | Potter Stewart | Isabella Stewart Gardner |