
unusual facts about Douglas G. Hurley

Douglas G. Hurley

More recently he served as the NASA director of operations at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia.

Andrew M. Murstein

In November 2010, Medallion Financial Corp., as part of an investment group which includes Richard Petty and Douglas G. Bergeron, signed and closed sale on racing aseets of one of NASCAR's great names, Richard Petty Motorsports.

Bland–Altman plot

It is identical to a Tukey mean-difference plot, the name by which it is known in other fields, but was popularised in medical statistics by J. Martin Bland and Douglas G. Altman.

Clovis E. Byers

The I Corps headquarters staff moved to Brisbane by air in August 1942, travelling on the same aircraft as former United States Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley and the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Peter Fraser.

Daniel T.K. Hurley

He entered George Washington University Law School, and while a law student worked as a legislative aide, in the House Post Office, and attended sessions of Congress and the Supreme Court.

Douglas G. Bergeron

Bergeron attended Assumption College High School, graduating in 1978, and attended York University, in Toronto, Canada, graduating in 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts with Special Honors in Computer Science.

From 1990 through 1999, Bergeron served in a number of executive management positions at SunGard Data Systems, including Managing Director of SunGard Capital Markets N.A., President of SunGard Futures Systems, and Group CEO of SunGard Brokerage Systems Group.

Douglas G. Stuart

Stuart coined the term "interphyletic awareness" during the organization (together with Sten Grillner (University of Stockholm and Paul Stein (Washington University, St. Louis) of three international conferences that brought together scientists working on various species, all followed by widely read symposium volumes.

Douglas Stuart

Douglas G. Stuart (born 1931), professor of physiology at the University of Arizona

John Patrick Higgins

He was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fourth Congress, was unopposed in his re-election to the Seventy-fifth Congress and served from January 3, 1935 until his resignation on September 30, 1937, having been appointed by Gov. Charles F. Hurley on October 1, 1937 as chief justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court, in which capacity he served until his death in 1955.

Patrick J. Hurley

Hurley received a promotion to brigadier general in 1941 when the United States entered World War II, and General George C. Marshall dispatched him to the Far East as a personal representative to examine the feasibility of relieving American troops besieged on the island of Bataan.

In November 1918, Hurley was detached to the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and participated with this unit in the combats near Louppy-le-Château, France.

Robert Hurley

Robert A. Hurley (1895–1968), American politician and governor of Connecticut

Yiannis Laouris

He published with cyberneticians/systems physiologists Peter Schwartze, Uwe Windhorst, Roger M. Enoka and Douglas G. Stuart.


An additional round of $1.5 million in funding has been secured as of late October 2009, led by Sherpalo Ventures, with Tandem Entrepreneurs and VeriFone CEO Douglas Bergeron participating.

see also