
4 unusual facts about Douglas Hanahan

Douglas Hanahan

With Robert Weinberg he wrote a seminal paper The Hallmarks of Cancer, published in January 2000, and which in March 2011 is the most often cited article from the peer reviewed journal Cell.


Douglas Hanahan, American microbiologist who developed SOB medium, and cancer researcher and co-author of the classic "Hallmarks of Cancer" paper


In 2008, the research groups of the Institute were integrated into the EPFL – School of Life Sciences and in 2009, Douglas Hanahan was nominated director of the Institute.

Swiss Cancer Centre

Prof. George Coukos (also director of the Department of Oncology of the CHUV and of the Ludwig Centre for Cancer Research of the University of Lausanne) will be the director of the centre and Prof. Douglas Hanahan (also director of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research of the EPFL) will be the vice-director.

see also