
unusual facts about Duck Soup

Chris Buck

Buck's credits include a number of animated commercials (including some with the Keebler Elves) for such Los Angeles-based production entities as FilmFair, Kurtz & Friends, and Duck Soup.


The film in noted for its absurdist political satire, somewhat in the manner of Million Dollar Legs or Duck Soup, both of which were released within a year of Diplomaniacs.

Duck Soup to Nuts

The title of the cartoon refers to the old expression "soup to nuts", and coincidentally or otherwise turns out to be an amalgam of the titles of the Marx Brothers classic Duck Soup and the Three Stooges film Soup to Nuts.

Madeline Hurlock

She appeared in over 50 short films, the first of which Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening? was made in 1923, the last Pink Pajamas in 1929.She featured in one of Laurel and Hardy's earliest films, Duck Soup.

Public nuisance

In the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup, Groucho Marx plays the president of the mythical land of Freedonia.

see also

Duck Studios

Mickey's PhilharMagic - In 2003, director Jamie Caliri worked with Duck Soup and Walt Disney Feature Animation to create a sequence featuring characters from The Lion King.

The Floorwalker

Additionally, an early episode of The Patty Duke Show contains a mirror scene in which the characters Patty and Cathy Lane (both played by Patty Duke) act out a version similar to the one found in the film Duck Soup.