These are in may be derived from a common ancestor of the Pacific Black Duck, the Laysan Duck, and the Mallard, and an unknown amount of other lineages.
Laysan Duck, Anas laysanensis – sometimes included in Anas platyrhynchos
The phenomenon that effective population sizes as low as 4-5 can be tolerated without pronounced inbreeding depression is also known from other small-island birds, such as Petroica traversi or the Laysan Duck.
Donald Duck | duck | Daffy Duck | Duck Dynasty | Tufted Duck | duck (cricket) | Daisy Duck | Laysan | Duck (cricket) | Duck Amuck | Daffy Duck's Quackbusters | Laysan Rail | Laysan Millerbird | Laysan Duck | Duck | Darkwing Duck | Battle of Duck Lake | Wood Duck | The Wild Duck | Pacific Black Duck | Duck Patrol | Laysan Albatross | Harlequin Duck | Goldeneye (duck) | Duck Sauce | Donald "Duck" Dunn | The Oregon Duck | the Oregon Duck | The Fat Duck | Redhead (duck) |
They actively take the eggs of smaller seabirds such as those of White Tern (Gygis alba) and the endemic Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis).
The Laysan Finch was able to survive by scavenging other dead birds, and the Laysan Duck survived because its diet of brine flies was unharmed.